I am Jehovah's messenger
"He gives us friends who stick by our side"
Do not be afraid
What is Sophia's study name?
What video featured Ezra
Nehemiah The joy of Jehovah is your stronghold
Who was with Paul when Jesus spoke to him?
I foretold a destruction that never happened
"you'll never see them if you're focused on the superficial"
Look at me
What is Caleb's goal?
To go to bethel
What Angel struck down the Asriyan army
Michael the archangel
Who did Paul have problems with?
I lived off Honey and Locust
John the Baptist
"With love in ev'ry little thing we do"
With Jehovah we are one
What year did Caleb videos begin?
What are the only dramas about fleeing their homes?
Walk by faith not by sight, Commit your way to Jehovah
Who are the main people who accompanied Paul on his missionary tours
Timmothy, Barnabus, Silas, Apollos
My grandfather and father died together
"Had I wings just as the dove has"
Throw your burden on Jehovah
What toy did Caleb get rid of?
How many Assyrians were struck down by the angel?
When did Peter first use his keys to the kingdom?
33 C.E. When he urged Jews and Jewish proselytes to repent and get baptized
My name is a reflection of my red hair
"life like a mist"
He will call
What does each metal on the immense image correlate to, and what are their corresponding wild beast?
(Each part of the question is worth 500 points, totaling to 1000)
What drama featured Isaiah?
O Jehovah I trust in you
Who was arrested alongside Peter?