Kings of the Bible
Faithful Women
Bible Writers
Opposers of Jah
Bible Facts

This man was the first King appointed over Israel?

Who was Saul?


This women hid Israelite spies from being captured in return for later being rescued.

Who was Rahab


The first five books of the Bible were written by this loyal servant of God.

Who was Moses.


This King resisted God 10 times before drowning in the Red Sea.

Who is Pharoah?


Besides the use of Hebrew and Greek, some portions of the Bible, such as Ezra, Jeremiah, and Daniel, were also written in this language.

What is Aramaic


This King Composed 73 of the Psalms found in the Bible.

Who was King David


This faithful women took care of her mother-in-law, even leaving her own land to stay by her side.

Who was Ruth.


This prophet and Bible writer, when asked by God to preach said: ‘But Jehovah, I am only a boy. I don’t know how to speak to the people.’ 

Jehovah told him: ‘Do not be afraid. I will tell you what to say. I will help you.

Who was Jeremiah?


This man was counseled by a donkey to stop opposing God's people?

Who is Baalam?

The Bible takes its name from the Latin word "Biblia" which means book or books, specifically this many books?

What is 66?


With the guidance of high priest Hilkiah and because of his own love for God’s Law, this King did what was right in Jehovah’s eyes even at a very young age.

Who was King Josiah?


This faithful women was a prophetess who Jehovah used to provide direction to Barak and his 10,000 men in their war against the Caananites.

Who was Deborah?


This Bible Writer Was a Physician.

Who was Luke.


This man led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron and was consumed by fire from Jehovah.

Who is Korah?


In the middle of the 20th century, some 220 Biblical manuscripts or fragments were discovered in a cave.

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls


In the late eighth century B.C.E., during a time of conflict with the mighty Assyrian power. This King constructed a 1,749-foot-long [533 m] tunnel, or conduit, to bring spring water into the city to protect Jerusalem and to secure its water supply.

Who was King Hezekiah


This faithful woman was greeted by an angel with the words “Greetings, you highly favored one, Jehovah is with you.” 

Who was Mary, the mother of Jesus.


This prophet and Bible writer once described himself as a herdsman and a nipper of figs of sycamore trees. 

When Jehovah proceeded to take me from following the flock, and say to him, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’

Who was Amos?


As more people listened to the Good News, this silversmith and maker of idols incited a mob and riot against the Apostle Paul because of their lost income.

Who was Demetrius?


These books of the Bible were the last ones written.

What are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John?


This King was enthroned in 1914 and will his rulership is an everlasting rulership.

Who is Jesus?


In the very first prophecy of the bible, it was foretold that this woman would bruise the serpent in the head

What is Jehovah’s heavenly organization made up of spirit creatures in heaven?


This Bible Writer described himself as a "nipper of figs".

Who was Amos.


The name of this opposer means resister?

Who is Satan


The 34th book of the Bible

What is Nahum?
