She said: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.”
Man must not live on ____ alone. (Bonus 100 if name scripture.)
Matthew 4:4
COVID-19 is an example of this sign that we are living in the last days. (Bonus 100 if name the scripture)
Luke 21:8
Song 135, “Jehovah’s Warm Appeal:”Be Wise My Son” Polish:“Jehowa prosi: „Mój synu, bądź mądry” is based on this scripture.
Proverbs 27:11
Jesus used this flower to teach a lesson on trusting in Jehovah to provide our daily needs such as clothing.
“Please, do not let my lord pay attention to this worthless _____” Polish: “Proszę, niech mój pan nie zwraca uwagi na tego podłego ______” (1 Samuel 25:25)
It tastes like flat cakes with honey.
True or false: The 2020 yeartext is Matthew 28:19.
The song number of “Jehovah is Your Name” Polish:”Jehowa to Twoje imię”
“Find exquisite _____ in Jehovah” Polish: “_____ się Jehową“ (Bonus 100 if know the scripture)
Psalm 37:4
Queen Esther told King ______ about Haman’s plot to kill the Jews.
King A·has·u·eʹrus
Esau or Edom sold his birthright for this.
Red lentil stew
From the May 22, 2020 daily text: When the Israelites left Egypt in _____ B.C.E. Polish: Kiedy w roku ______ p.n.e. Izraelici opuszczali Egipt.
Listen and name the title of this song. 🎵🎶
Listen, Obey and Be Blessed
The title of the original song for this year’s Regional Convention.
Our Joy Eternally
She said: “Look! Jehovah’s slave girl! May it happen to me according to your declaration.” Polish: “Jestem niewolnicą Jehowy! Niech mi się stanie tak, jak powiedziałeś.” (Luke 1:38)
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Rachel asked her sister Leah to give her some of her son’s ______.
True or False: The original song “The New World to Come” Polish: “Przyszly nowy swiat” is from the January 2020 JW Broadcast.
“With Jesus’ blood He bought you, ___ ____ ___ ____ ______.“ Polish: “Krwią Syna cię odkupił, ___ ___ __ ____ ____ “ (Bonus 100 if know song number in the songbook)
To God you now belong.
byś miał z Nim bliską więź
Song 38
We can rejoice despite tribulation because it produces this quality. (Romans 5:3)
Woman with the flow of blood for 12 years kept saying this to herself.
“If I only touch his outer garment, I will get well”
The domestics that are being fed food at the proper time.
Both the anointed and the other sheep.
The 2020 Memorial of Jesus’ Death was historic for this reason.
Anything they say is right
Song 1 “Jehovah’s Attributes” Polish: “Przymioty Jehowy” has this many verses.
The title of the Feature Bible Drama for this year’s regional convention.
Nehemiah: “The Joy of Jehovah Is Your Stronghold”