Who is Caleb's sister in the "Become Jehovah's Friends" video series?
Who is Sofia
1 Samuel 16:7
Jehovah sees into the (blank).
Song 25
"A special (blank), They're a people for your (blank). They (blank blank). They (blank) (blank)."
possession, name, love you, praise you.
What is the Circuit Overseer's wife name?
Name 5 publications in the Teaching Toolbox on JW.org
Teach Us
Remain in Gods Love
Good News
Listen and Live
Jehovah's Will
What was Jacob parent's names?
Issac and Rebekah
Ephesians 4:2
"with all (blank) and (blank), with patience, putting up with one another in (blank)."
humility, mildness, love
Song 83 is entitled "From House to House"
Finish the lyrics: "From town to town, from (blank) to (blank).
farm to farm
When did Samuel's mother take him to serve at Jehovah's temple? 1 Samuel 1:24
as soon as she had weaned him
What publication will be studied next during our weekly Congregation Bible Study?
Pure Worship of Jehovah...Restored at Last!
Eshter replaced what Queen?
Esther 1:12, 2:16,17
Hebrews 10:24
"And let us consider one another as to incite to (blank) and (blank) (blank)."
love and fine works
Song 151-He Will Call
"Life like a mist, (blank blank blank blank blank). Then (blank blank).
appears for just a day.
disappears tomorrow.
When Moses approached the burning thornbush, why did Jehovah tell him to take off his sandals?
Exodus 3:5
In 2015, what was the name of the brochure released specifically for lost sheep?
Return to Jehovah
At Judges 15:20, the scripture talks about an outstanding judge in Israel, who was there for 20 years. Who was this judge?
Hebrews 11:17
"By faith (blank), when he was tested, as good as offered up (blank), the man who gladly received the promises attempted to offer up his only (blank) son."
Abraham, Issac, begotten
Name this song:
At the start of the day, with the sun yet to rise. We are making our way with the sleep in our eyes, and we pray.
Song 81-The life of a Pioneer
Job had how many sons and how daughters?
Job 1:2; 42:13
14 sons and 6 daughters
What year was the last Kingdom Ministry published?
Paul resurrected a young man named (blank)?
Acts 20:7-12
Revelation 21:4 says what.....
And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, the former things have passed away.
In the May 2020 JW broadcast, Brother Lett encouraged us to begin memorizing what song?
Our Joy Eternally
Bonus for Double Points-Who replaced Judas Iscariote?
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Barthome, James, Thaddeus, Matthew, Simon, Thomas, Judas
The current edition of the Benefit from Theocratic Ministry School Education book was released in what year?