"Children be obedient to your parents in Union with the Lord, for this is righteous."
"Hijos, sean obedientes a sus padres en unión con el Señor, porque esto es justo."
Ephesians 6:1
Where was Jesus from?
What is the name of the Caleb and Sofia video series?
Become Jehovah's Friend
What book is about Bible Stories?
My Book of Bible Stories
Which Bible character was put in a basket at birth?
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
"En el principio, Dios creo los cielos y la tierra."
Genesis 1:1
Where did Jesus die?
What was the name of the first Caleb and Sofia video?
Obey Your Parents
What booklet contains answers to questions asked by young people?
10 Questions Young People Ask
Which Bible character saved his/her people, and went from orphan to king/queen?
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son. so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
"Porque Dios amo tanto al mundo que entrego a su Hijo unigénito para que nadie que demuestre tener fe en el sea destruido, sino que tenga vida eterna."
John 3:16
From what city did Lot and his family flee from?
Name 5 different video categories on JW.org
JW Broadcasting, Children, Family, Teenagers, Programs/Events, Our Activities, Our Meetings/Ministry, Our Organisation, The Bible, Dramas, Music, Interviews/Experiences
What book is typically used for Bible Study?
What can the Bible Teach Us?
Which Bible character was taught about Jehovah by his/her grandma/mom.
"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
"Y les secará toda lágrima de sus ojos, y la muerte ya no existirá, ni habrá más tristeza ni llanto ni dolor. Las cosas anteriores han desaparecido”.
Revelation 21:4
Specifically where was Jesus baptised?
The Jordan River
Name 3 different Dramas
"Remember The Wife of Lot", "Hope For What We Do Not See", "What Is True Love?", "The Prodigal Returns", "The Story of Jonah", "O Jehovah, I Trust In You"
What book was previously used to help with theocratic assignments?
Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education
Who was the prophet who was threatened by Jezebel?
"for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again."
"Porque entonces habrá una gran tribulación. Desde el principio del mundo hasta ahora, no ha habido una tribulación igual, y nunca más la habrá."
Matthew 24:21
Where were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?
In what year was the first JW Broadcasting made?
What brochure is a part of the teaching toolbox and was released in 2012 with 15 lessons?
Good News
What Bible character rebelled against Moses and Aaron?