Roamed the promised land but never saw it
Who is Abraham?
Safe Haven to learn today
What is the Kingdom Hall?
Said to a leper as he was healing him (3 words)
What is "I want to?"
It records soothing songs of comfort and hope
What is Psalms?
Our Assistant Service Group Overseer
Who is Brother Porter?
Found an unusual bush that wasn’t burning
Who is Moses?
Double Jeopardy!!!
Other than the Bible, this is what Jehovah uses to teach us
What is the Watchtower?
Jesus saw her as she put 2 small coins in the box
Who is the Poor Widow?
It tells of the four horsemen
What is Revelation?
She lived in Romania before coming to us
Who is Sister Iusco?
His 300 men were very cautious as they drank
Who is Gideon?
Refreshing Smiles we are greeted with at our meetings
Who are the brothers and sisters?
Jesus fed 5000 people with this amount of food.
What is 5 loaves and 2 fish?
This book tells of a young man running from the Pharisees naked
What is Mark?
She is Czmaryll's Grandmother and is our group now
Who is Lourdes Bernardo?
He was only 8 when he became king
Who is Josiah?
We have what no one else has. Unity is the source of this
What is Our Worldwide Brotherhood?
Jesus said he was sent forth to do this
What is "To Do Jehovah's will?"
These are the Details of Jehovah’s Laws
What is Leviticus?
She is a "shiny" Copper coin
Who is Penny Swain?
Struck down “his 10’s of 1000’s” 1 Samuel 18:10
Who is David?
Jehovah frees us of false religion with this information
What are Bible truths?
His beloved “brother” and perhaps closest friend
Who is John?
Double Jeopardy!!
Canticles is about: A> Solomon B>A Maiden C>A graceful mountain goat
What is "the Shulamite Maiden?
A Hispanic Aunt and an Uncle who came from Wisconsin
Who is Tim and Carolina?