The date of the first JW Broadcasting.
What is October 2014?
The longest living person.
Who is Methuselah?
The 3 original languages of the Bible.
What is Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek?
The first prophecy in the Bible.
What is Genesis 3:15?
The year the last days began.
What is 1914?
The year family worship replaced a second midweek meeting.
He had to eat a scroll.
Bonus: What did the scroll taste like?
Who is Ezekiel?
Bonus: What is sweet?
This gospel account has the most illustrations out of the 4.
Bonus: This gospel has the least amount of illustrations recorded.
What is Matthew?
Bonus: What is Mark?
The king of the north and king of the south.
Bonus: The previous kings of the north and south.
What is Russia and its allies and the Anglo-American world power (Great Britain and the United States of America)?
Bonus: What is Germany and Great Britain, then the Soviet Union & its allies and Anglo-America?
When Jerusalem was destroyed for the first time.
Bonus: When Jerusalem was destroyed the second time.
What is 607 BCE?
Bonus: What is 70 CE?
The other name circuit overseers were previously called.
What is a pilgrim?
He died amongst false worshippers.
Who is Samson?
The smallest book of the Hebrew Scriptures.
What is Obadiah?
This prophecy foretold the Messiah's appearance.
What is 70 weeks?
Holy spirit was poured out on many people in an upper room.
What is Pentecost 33CE?
The year the organization sold Brooklyn Headquarters.
What is 2016?
The two Christians who had a heated dispute over taking a brother on a missionary tour.
Bonus: Who was the brother they were arguing over?
Who is Paul and Barnabas?
Bonus: Who is John Mark?
The last books of the Bible written.
What are 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and John?
The year the pale horse began its ride.
The year of Advertise! Advertise! Advertise, the King and his Kingdom!
What is 1922?
The Governing Body member who goes by his middle name.
Who is M. Stephen Lett?
He drove a sword through the fat belly of King Eglon.
Who is Judge Ehud?
The name meaning the prophecy of the king of Assyria subjugating Judah's enemies - Damascus and Samaria.
What is Maher-shalal-hash-baz?
Destroyed in 539 BCE.
What is the fall of Babylon?