JW Library
The Bible
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Our Videos

How many different shades of purple are used in JW Library,  for the display of the books of the Bible?



What does the first scripture in the Bible say?

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”-Genesis 1:1


What year was our Yearbook discontinued?



In what main scripture do we find our commission to preach?

Matthew 28:19,20


What are the names of the family of four, that were the main characters of the Wife Of Lot drama?

Brian (dad/husband); Gloria (mother/wife); Anna (sister/daughter); Tina (sister/daughter)


How many Study Edition books in the Bible are released in English, and what are they?


(Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Acts; Romans; 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians; Galatians; Ephesians)


What are the World Powers foretold by Daniel?

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Anglo America


What year did we get the name Jehovah’s Witnesses?



What is this months sample presentation question, scripture, and link question?

Question: Is the Bible still relevant today?

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16

Link: Is the Bible compatible with science?


How many whiteboard animation videos do we have, and what are they all about?


Real friends;Social-network smart;Love or infatuation;Peer pressure;Sad to glad;Gossip;Drinking;Beat a bully;More freedom;Devices;Video games;Talk to your parents;Sports;Smoking;Convention


How many original songs do we have? And name 40 of them.


The Best Life Ever;We Won’t Forget You;If You Could See What I See;What Means the Most to Me;Never Give Up;“Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things”;Give You My All;Glad I Passed the Test;Now Is the Time;Just a Smile;Finding Treasures;Jehovah Welcomes You Home;Joy of Conventions;I Give You My Best;Take Your Time, Choose Wisely;Imagine the Time;Keep the Pace;Blessings of Learning a Language;Don’t Run So Fast;“Follow the Course of Hospitality”;Our Thanks Go to You;Where I Belong;Choices;Forgive One Another;Just Around the Corner;Study Makes You Strong;Your Word Endures Forever;Stop, Think, and Pray;Building My Future With Jehovah;Faith Can Make Things Happen;I Keep Your Reminders;I Can Get Back Up;We Marvel at Your Work;Precious Daughter;Let’s Take the Leap;Look at Me;Inspired by Your Wonders;Important Things;Truly in Love;A Place That Will Bring You Praise!;Confident in You;I’m Making a Change;Never Alone;Brotherly Love;Do Not Be Afraid;The Search;True Friends;You Can Count on Me;With Jehovah, We Are One;Give Me Courage;All I Can Give;Each Day Has Its Own Anxieties;Be Courageous and Strong;Thankful for God’s Creation;We’re Your Family;”Fight the Fine Fight of the Faith”;Jehovah’s Always by Our Side;The New World to Come;I Give My Life to You;Unfailing Love;Roll It on Him;Just Like a Child;Please Be Convinced;Forgive Freely;Our Joy Eternally


How many books of the NWT Bible are there, and what are 30 of them?


(Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy; Joshua; Judges; Ruth; 1 Samuel; 2 Samuel; 1 Kings; 2 Kings; 1 Chronicles; 2 Chronicles; Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther; Job; Psalms; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes; Song of Solomon; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Lamentations; Ezekiel; Daniel; Hosea; Joel; Amos; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah; Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah; Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi; 

Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Acts; Romans; 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians; Galatians; Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalonians; 2 Thessalonians; 1 Timothy; 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon; Hebrews; James; 1 Peter; 2 Peter; 1 John; 2 John; 3 John; Jude; Revelation)


What year and month was the completion of Warwick Bethel?

September 2016


What publication is suggested to go over after a Bible study for 15ish mins, and how many lessons does it have?

Jehovah’s Will Brochure;28 lessons


In the film “How Can I Make Real Friends?”, what was Tara’s assignment for school, and what was her theme?

Dramatic diologue; Suffering Loss 


How many children‘s songs do we have on JW Library in English? And name 25 of them.


(see JW Library)


What is the last scripture in the Bible, and what does it say?

Revelation 22:21: ”May the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus be with the holy ones.”


Around what years did a small group of Bible Students begin rediscovering Bible Truths? 

The 1870’s


What tracts, books, brochures, and videos do we have in our Teaching Toolbox?

Why study the Bible?;Why study the Bible—Full Length?;What happens at a Kingdom Hall?; What happens at a Bible Study?; Jehovah’s Witnesses—Who are we?

All 8 Tracts.

Jehovah’s Will; Listen and Live; Good News

Remain in God’s Love and Simplified Bible Teach.


In the movie “The Prodigal Returns”, what kind of company was David interviewing for, and for what job position?

Web marketing company;Project assistant


How many Vocal songs do we have in English? Name 30 of them.


(see JW Library)


What are 4 parts of the Priestly Garments that were mentioned in the 28-29th books of Exodus?

Turban;Holy Sign Of Dedication;Onyx Stone;Chain;Breastpiece;Ephod and Woven Belt;Blue Sleeveless Coat;Hems of Bells and Pomegranate;Checkered Robe 


What are the 8 Governing Body Members that are still alive?

Lett; Herd; Splane; Losch; Jackson; Morris; Sanderson


How many chapters are there in the Bible Teach book, and what is the last one called?


Remain in God’s Love


How many Become Jehovah’s Friend videos do we have , and what are 20 of them?


(see JW.org or JW Library)
