"Out of the heart's abundance, the mouth speaks."
Luke 6.45
What is the name of our first drama?
The “Photo-Drama of Creation
How old was Jesus when he questioned the teachers in the temple?
12 years old
I was so haughty that I justified my actions of disobeying Jehovah's clear command.
King Saul
“Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it."
Matthew 7:13, 14
Title: A Prayer of the Lowly One
Who were referred to as the Sons of Thunder in the Bible?
James and John
I was willing to leave Haran and never see my family again to marry my husband.
"Make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we instructed you."
1 Thessalonians 4:11
What year did JW Broadcasting launch?
Where did Jesus expel the demon named Legion?
Sea of Galilee
I was more loyal to my God than my father
I was the great-great grandson of King Hezekiah and I was also a king.
"E·liʹjah was a man with feelings like ours, and yet when he prayed earnestly for it not to rain, it did not rain on the land for three years and six months."
James 5:17
What was the theme of 2015's convention?
Imitate Jesus!
Name all 12+1 of Jesus' apostles. (If there are two of the same names, please state it in your answer.)
(Simon)Peter, and Andrew, James the son of Zebʹe·dee and John, Philip and Bar·tholʹo·mew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Al·phaeʹus, Thad·daeʹus, Simon and Judas Is·carʹi·ot and Matthias.
Although I died, I spoke.
My death marked the fulfillment of a prophecy Jehovah told faithful King Jehu
King Zechariah
"Consequently, my beloved ones, just as you have always obeyed, not only during my presence but now much more readily during my absence, keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Philippians 2:12
What modern day drama was played at 2013's convention?
The Prodigal Returns
To imitate Jesus, be...(8)
My discretion and courage saved a nation.
Though I started out good and humble, I was struck with leprosy because of my arrogance.
Uzziah or Azariah