This person was a nazarite. He was very mighty. And even though he made a bad choice Jehovah helped him during a challenging time! His name means sun.
Who is Samson?
This was a widow. She always tried to be good friend. A bible book is named after her.
Who is Ruth?
This person was young when he became king. He loved Jehovah and always tried to do what's right. But when he got older he slowly drifted away from Jehovah.
Who is Solaman?
This character is a good one. He mad bad mistakes and it seemed like he wasn't going to be a good person. But he came back to Jehovah and his organization. This character is based off a familiar parable.
Who is David?
This department helps us get our literature. It also works withe art department.
What is the Writing Department?
This person is a warrior. And when he had to fight Jehovah fought for him. He is sometimes called Jerubbaal. And he has 70 sons.
Who is Gideon?
This person was bullied. The couldn't even eat sometimes because of her grief. But, she prayed to Jehovah. Even though the situation didn't change immediately she felt better talking to Jehovah about it.
What is Hannah?
This King was a horrible king in the beginning. He worshiped false gods, practiced magic, and killed innocent people. But he was discipled by Jehovah and turned away from his bad habits and thinking.
Who is Mannassa?
This character was a bad character. He was violent and worshipped false gods. And when he tried to rage war against God's people Jehovah intervened.
Who is Sennacherib?
This member of the governing body came into the truth by two missionary sisters.
Who is Bro. Lösh?
This person was a violent ruler. He did not fear Jehovah Like his father. We was severly wounded by a woman but killed by his attendant so one could say woman killed him. My name means my father is king
Who is Abimelech?
This person was very humble. She was shy but she was blessed with a wonderful assginment. She knew and loved Jesus.
Who is Mary?
This king was faithful to Jehovah. He loved and trusted him. Even if the situation seemed hopeless he still trusted in him. We probably will remember the epic movie about him.
Who is Hezekiah?
This character is good. He faced so many challenges but he still remained faithful to Jehovah. He relied on Jehovah, friends, and family to keep on going.
Who is Ethan?
This person had Jehovah's sprit upon him and defeated the king of Syria. He also took general oversight and rendered judicial decisions among his brothers.
Who is Onthniel?
This person was beautiful. She was not naive and she showed what true love really meant. She was not named speficlly in the Bible.
Who is the Sulimiate Girl?
This king was faithful in the beginning. He teared down a obscene idol. And the Bible said his heart complete all his life. But he didn't rely on Jehovah one time. He started to mistreat the people and put the seer in prison because he told him that there will be wars against you and that he acted foolishly.
Who is Asa?
This character is baptized but he didn't keep his moral values and he engaged in bad association. And he himself became bad association.
Who is Al?
This person wasn't mentioned in the book. But he did write everything in it. Who is it?
Who is Samuel?
This person claimed she was a prophetess and she was a horrible person. She was a murderer, immoral, and wicked. So, she she had a painful death.
Who is Jezabal?
This person was a bad king. He became Assyia's servant. Until Assyira heard he had got involved in a conspiracy which had horrible results.
Who is Hoshea?
This character didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. His father wasn't in the truth yet and there was a lot of pressure in school. But he made the right choice.
Who is Andre?