Why did Jesus teach the story of the Good Samaritan?
To answer a lawyer's question about our neighbors.
At what big event did this miracle take place?
At a wedding.
True or false: Some people were jealous of Daniel.
Why did Jesus have to feed 5000 people?
Because they were hungry, and they had to travel a long way to have food. So, Jesus decided to feed them.
Before Samson was born, Israel was invaded by which people?
The Philistines.
Why did Jesus use parables like The Good Samaritan?
He used them to teach us valuable lessons in the form of stories. Like this, they are easier to remember.
What exactly was Jesus' miracle?
He turned water into wine
What was the name of the king in Daniel's time?
Darius (Nebuchadnezzer is also acceptable).
With how much food did Jesus feed so many people? How did He do it?
He fed them with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. He prayed and made even more food from that.
Why was Samson sent by God?
To free the Israelites from the Philistines.
In the parable, which land was the Jewish man going to?
What was Mary's role in this story?
She was the one who asked Jesus to do something about the shortage in wine. This is an example that proves the fact that she can intercede for us and help us in our prayers to God.
What did Daniel usually do 3 times a day?
He prayed.
Who did Peter heal, thanks to God's power?
A lame man, who could not walk.
Who betrayed Samson for the first time? What did she do? (Hint: it's related to riddles)
His first wife betrayed him by telling the Philistines the answer to an important riddle. Because of this, they won a bet.
What happened to the man going to the city? Also, name all of the people who passed by him without helping.
He was robbed. A priest and a Levite (lawyer) passed by.
Why was this miracle important?
Because it was Jesus' first miracle.
What new law did the king make?
Nobody is allowed to pray.
What did apostles do?
They preached Christianity to everyone and told Jesus' story.
Who betrayed Samson for the second time? How? (Hint: she did it for money)
Delilah betrayed Samson by telling the Philistines the source of his strength.
What is so special about the Samaritan helping the Jewish man?
Jews and Samaritans used to fight a lot. Even if it was expected for them to hate each other, the Samaritan still chose to help the hurt man, because everyone is our neighbour.
What does it mean when a saint or an angel intercedes for us?
It means that they can make our prayers much stronger when you say their names. They can also correct your prayers.
What can we learn from Daniel's story?
- Never give up your faith
- Always pray when you can
- Even in the worst of situations, God is always there to help you.
Even when they were threatened by many people, why did the apostles continue to preach?
They were not afraid of men and knew that the power of God was with them. Also, their love for Him was so big that they were willing to do anything.
How was Samson able to destroy a whole building?