How many books are in the OT? How many are in the NT?
There are 39 books in the OT and 27 in the NT.
How many sections is the OT divided into? What about the NT?
The OT is divided into four sections. There are also five sections in the NT?
What is the Bible also called?
The Holy Bible
How many languages has the Bible been translated into?
About 2,000 languages.
After 2,000 years how accurate was the OT?
What are the first five books of the Bible?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
What are the four sections in the OT?
Law, History, Poetry, Prophets
What is scripture?
A sacred writing that is connected to God.
What was gathered into the Hebrew Bible?
Hebrew "sacred writings".
Who is there more more evidence about as a historical figure than any other person?
Jesus Christ
What are the next 12 books of the Bible?
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
What are the five sections of the NT?
Gospels, Church History, Paul's Letter, The Other Letters, Prophecy
What is a "testament"?
A testament is an agreement, contract or covenant, specifically between God and man.
When was the Hebrew Bible translated into Greek?
In the 3rd century.
Who has the Bible become a reliable source for?
Scientist, archeologist and historians.
What language was the OT originally written in?
The OT was originally written in Hebrew.
The Law section contained what for God's people?
God's commands.
What is a reference in the Bible?
A verse locator in the Bible.
What Bible was used by Jesus and early Christians?
The Apocrypha Bible.
What kind of people wrote about Jesus' life?
Followers, a medical doctor and even non-biblical sources.
What was the NT originally written in?
The NT was originally written in Greek.
What was the Prophecy section in the NT about?
A foretelling of "end times".
Is the OT the history of God's agreement or promise through the Law or through Jesus Christ?
The Law.
Who combined the OT and the NT in the 4th century?
Emperor Constantine
How many years was the earliest copy of the NT written after the original?
25 years after the original.