In the Torah!
Those who were faithful
Those who were NOT faithful
The "J's" of the Bible
Bible Vocabulary

Name two of the Ten Commandments

What is thou shall not kill/adultery/steal/give false witness/put any gods before me/make false idols/use the Lord's name in vain. Remember the sabbath/ honor your parents


God promised this faithful man that his ancestors would be like the stars in number, and that he would have a child at an old age. 

Who is Abraham?


These two people were the first on Earth, and the first to sin.

Who are Adam and Eve?


This person is also known as the "Prince of Peace", "The I Am", "The Lamb", and "The Messiah"

Who is Jesus?


A Jewish Temple

What is a synagogue?


Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, there was the _____ and the ____.

What are the Heavens and the Earth?


This man went through a lot. Being sold into slavery by his own brothers, and being falsely accused and thrown in prison, just to name a few. But his faithfulness to God let him prevail!

Who is Joseph?


This wicked wife convinced her husband, a king, to have somebody killed for a vineyard.

Who is Jezebel?


The capital of Israel

What is Jerusalem?


This famous mountain where Moses once stood shares a name with the peninsula in which it is located.


This book of the Bible was named after a famous event rather than a person or people group.

What is Exodus?


King Darius mistakenly signed a law that let this person be tossed into a lion's den. Fortunately, his faith kept him alive.

Who is Daniel?


This angel, formerly known as Lucifer or Morning Star, used to be Heavenly. Now, he is quite the opposite.

Who is Satan/the Devil?


Remember the category name, and you can use logic to find out which apostle is the only one to be believed to have died a natural death.

Who is John?


A table used for making sacrifices to God. Isaac was tied by his father to one of these

What is an altar?


This tribe, named from a son of Jacob, was the priestly tribe of Israel.

What are the Levites?


Nebuchadnezzar said that those who would not worship him would be tossed in a fire. That didn't worry this faithful trio.

Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego?


This king was willing to send a woman's husband into death in battle just to be able to take her as his wife.

Who is King David?


With seven times around, this city's walls came crashing down! It was the first Caananite city captured by the Israelites

What is Jericho?


This object had a long history-through the Jordan River, in the tabernacle, captured by the Philistines--even to Indiana Jones!

What is the ark of the covenant?
