Although I wasn’t loved as much as Hannah, I was also married to Elkanah:
Who is Peninah.
Although Luke witnessed many of Jesus Miracles, he would still have plenty of work in this field today:
What is a physician
Although my brother, he struck me and I perished as the first faithful servant of Jehovah:
Who is Cain
This prophecy assured ‘good news’! right before the end comes:
What Matthew 24:14
This US Branch office is often known as the “Artsy” Bethel for its prominence in JW Artwork:
What is the Patterson Bethel
I was the youngest and most comforting of Job’s advisers:
Who is Elihu
Matthew was a beloved disciple of Christ, and yet many would feel differently toward his profession:
What is a tax collector
Although he began a long history of doing “what was bad in Jehovah’s eyes,” his final recorded acts are those of humbling himself before Jehovah and finding favor:
Who is Manasseh
Along with being the first recorded prophecy in the Bible, the first part of this prophecy has been fulfilled, namely, in the manner of the “heal:”
Genesis 3:15
He is the most recent appointed Governing Body member:
Who is Kenneth Cook
Although often mistaken for David, The superscriptions for Psalms 50 and 73 to 83 credit these songs to me:
Who is Asaph
Peter and Andrew’s line of work could be showcased in the Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch;” although Jesus assured them they would instead catch life:
What are fishermen
Today, many would ask who he was, yet Jesus caught sight of him in a tree, for he was short and could not see over the crowds:
Who is Zacchaeus
This prophecy points to an elevated form of worship in “the final part of the days.” Yet, how great will be our happiness and joy when we live at the time when all mankind will be harmoniously joined together and cooperating in the near future:
What is Micah 4:2-4
He was the last member of the Governing Body member to visit the “launching pad” and finish his faithful earthly course:
Who is Guy Hollis Pierce (1999–2014)
Even though very little is known of my personal life, the light has recently gotten brighter on the prophecies Jehovah inspired me to write in the book bearing my name (locusts):
Who is Joel
Although granted a special privilege as a prophet by Jehovah, Amos’ profession was considered menial as this collector of food fit only for the poor:
What is a Nipper of Figs
Esther identified this person when King A·has·u·eʹrus asked who had brough evil upon Jehovah’s people:
Who is Haman
John 19:34 confirms the fulfillment of these prophecies as found in these two books:
What are Isaiah and Zecharaiah
What word was previously used as a description for “announcing” the Watchtower Magazines:
What is Heralding
Even with 300 men, Jehovah still assured me there were “too many” with me when we battled the 120,000 Easterns in Midian:
Who is Gideon
Bezalel and Ohiloiab were granted the spirit of expertise in this line of work, even after having much prior experience:
What is a craftsman
Being the uncle of Saul, Abner had a long tumultuous life that involved spoils, luxuries, conspiracy, regret and ultimately his death at the hands of this man:
Who is Jo-ab
As the last recorded prophecy, if this were a vending machine, it would never make any money for it assures it’s drink are “free”:
What is Revelation 22:17
This publication was revised and updated by the Insight of the Scriptures bound volumes I and II:
What is “Aid to Bible Understanding”