But they that wait upon the Yahweh shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as...`
Eagles (Isaiah 40:31)
In which Old Testament book does Satan specifically ask permission to attack an individual?
Was Goliath a Philistine or an Egyptian?
Of 40, 100, or 400, the one closest to the total years the Israelites were in captivity in Egypt
The "City of David"
The secret of Samson's strength
His long hair
`_____, and it shall be given you; _____, and ye shall find; _____, and it shall be opened unto you...` (Matthew 7:7).
Ask, seek, knock
When Yahshua calmed the storm, what did the disciples say in amazement?
"What manner of Man is this! For He commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey Him."
Who were Ruth's native people?
How many chapters are in Genesis?
Mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac.
Mount Moriah
What are Saul's letters called?
The Epistles.
And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant _______; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd` (Ezekiel 34:23)
These is one of the 3 things Satan tempted Yahshua with while on earth.
turn stones into bread,
throw himself off the battlement,
do one act of worship for all the kingdoms on earth
I led the Israelites after Moses died.
How many tribes of Israel are there?
Jonah proclaimed that Nineveh would be overthrown in how many days?
40 days
The name of this food is "light and taste likes honey?"
Where no _____ are, the _____ is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the _____` (Proverbs 14:4).
Oxen, crib, ox
In the book of Acts, what happened on the road to Damascus?
Saul was converted.
Before becoming an apostle, Simon Peter was what?
He was a fisherman.
How many New Testament books are there?
The place where Yahshua performed His first miracle.
the wedding in Cana
"And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as Yahweh for Yahshua's sake hath forgiven you." is found in what New Testament book?
For my _____ is easy, and my burden is light.
How did Saul make his way out of Damascus?
He escaped in a basket.
What’s the name of the king who sought to kill Yahshua as a baby?
King Herod.
How many times did Yahshua tell us to forgive?
70 times 7
This is where the Ten Commandments were given.
Mount Sinai
What’s the longest book in the Bible?
The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Old Testament.