Chapters 7& 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

In whose reign did Daniel have his dream of the Four Beasts (Dan 7:1)? 

A. Darius 

B. Cyrus 

C. Nebuchadnezzar 

D. Belshazzar 

D. Who is Belshazzar? 


 Daniel says in his prayer of confession that the prophets had spoken to all of the

following groups EXCEPT (Dan 9:6)

A. Priests

B. Kings

C. Princes

D. Our fathers

E. All the people of the land

What is the Priests?


In what year of what king did Daniel have a revelation about a great war (Dan 10:1)?

A. In the third year of Cyrus

B. In the fifth year of Belshazzar

C. In the tenth year of Nebuchadnezzar

D. In the first year of Darius

What is In the third year of Cyrus?

A. In the third year of Cyrus


What did Daniel do in the first year of Darius the Mede (Dan 11:1)?

A. Took a stand to support and protect Darius

B. Interpreted the dreams of Darius the Mede

C. Became governor of Babylon

D. Lead a delegation of exiles to request a return to Judah

What is Took a stand to support and protect Darius?


Michael is called a __________ (Dan 12:1)

A. Archangel

B. A Seraphim

C. A holy one

D. A great prince

What is A great prince?


Who approached the Ancient of Days in Daniel’s night vision of the four beasts (Dan


A. The fourth terrifying beast

B. The hosts of heaven

C. Angel Michael

D. One like a son of man

D. On the city wall 

D. What is One like a son of man?


What had all Israel had done according to Daniel (Dan 9:11)?

A. Transgressed God’s law

B. Turned their back on the Most High

C. Forsaken the ways of the Lord

D. Forgotten Book of the Law

What is Transgressed God’s law?


How did the men who did not see the vision respond to the vision (Dan 10:7)?

A. They fled and hid themselves

B. They were perplexed

C. They asked Daniel to explain to them the meaning

D. They did not understand

What is They fled and hid themselves?


Who will make an alliance with the king of the North (Dan 11:6)?

A. The daugther of the king of the South

B. The governor of the holy land

C. The king of Persia

D. The commander of Greece

Who is the daugther of the king of the South?


What is Daniel told about will happen to multitudes at the end of the book of Daniel

(Dan 12:2)?

A. A child will live until 120 years

B. Those who sleep in the dust will awake

C. The holy sanctuary will be rebuilt

D. The lion will lay down with the lamb

What Those who sleep in the dust will awake?


In what year of Belshazzar did Daniel have his second vision (Dan 8:1)?

A. Third

B. Fifth

C. Seventh

D. Twelfth

A. What is the Third year?


In bringing judgment on Jerusalem Daniel acknowledges God is _______ (Dan 9:14)

A. Holy

B. Righteous

C. Good

D. Compassionate

What is Holy?


What did a hand that touched him do to Daniel in his vision the chysolite man (Dan


A. Took and flew him by his hair

B. Set him on his hands and knees

C. Helped him to stand up

D. Guided him to the window of his house

What is Set him on his hands and knees?


Who will be victorious over the king of the North (Dan 11:7)?

A. The commander of the king of the West who came riding a white horse

B. The wealthy ruler of Persia

C. The commander of the Lord’s army

D. One from the family of the daughter of the king of the South

What is One from the family of the daughter of the king of the South?


How many days until the daily sacrifice is abolished (Dan 12:11)?

A. 144

B. 666

C. 1290

D. 2432

What is 1290?


What did the holy one tell Daniel would happen in 2,300 evenings and mornings?

(Dan 8:14)?

A. The sanctuary would be reconsecrated

B. The walls of Jerusalem would be rebuilt

C. The Broad Wall would be restored

D. There would be dancing and singing in the Holy City

A. What is the sanctuary would be reconsecrated?


What did Daniel ask God to do for Jerusalem (Dan 9:16)?

A. Turn away his wrath

B. Return the people of Judah to Jerusalem

C. Rebuild the temple

D. Forgive the people of Jerusalem

What is Turn away his wrath?


Who was the only person the chrysolite man told Daniel was helping him (Dan


A. Gabriel

B. Michael

C. Levianthan

D. The Seraphim

Who is Michael?

B. Michael


With whom will the king of the North make an alliance (Dan 11:17)?

A. The king of the holy land

B. The king of the South

C. The king of Greece

D. The king of Damascus

Who is

B. The king of the South


The book ends saying what would happen to Daniel at the end of the days (Dan


A. He would find like by the river

B. He would rise and receive his allotted inheritance

C. He would be raised for the Great White Throne judgment

D. He would awake into the light

What is He would rise and receive his allotted inheritance?


The time that the vision would take place was called a time of _____ by Gabriel in

Daniel’s vision (Dan 8:19)?

A. Joy

B. Trouble

C. Sorrow

D. Wrath

D. What is Wrath?


What will continue to the end (Dan 9:26)?

A. The kingdom of this world

B. The holy people of God

C. War

D. The desolation of the holy city

What is War?

C. War


What did the chrysolite man tell Daniel (Dan 10:19)?

A. To look out the window of his house

B. To stand before him

C. To get up from the ground

D. To be strong

What is To be strong?



What will the king of the North and South do with their hearts bent on evil (Dan


A. Attack the walls of the holy city

B. Make a treaty with the people of the covenant

C. Sit at the same table and lie to each other

D. Muster large armies against each other

What is Sit at the same table and lie to each other?


Who was above the waters of the river (Dan 12:6)?

A. The Ancient of Days

B. A man clothed in linen

C. A lamb as having been slain

D. A lion with a gold chain around its neck

What is A man clothed in linen?
