Who was paid to nurse Moses as a child?
(Exodus 2:8-9)
If someone makes you walk one mile, how far should you go?
(Matthew 5:41
Two miles
What did Judas do with the money he got for betraying Jesus?
(Matthews 27:5)
Threw into the temple
What famous prayer us found in Luke 11 and Matthew 6?
(Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 6:9-13)
Then Lord's prayer
What relative of Moses made a golden calf?
(Exodus 32:1-4, Numbers 26: 59)
His brother, or Aaron
What was the name of the tower by which people tried to reach heaven?
(Genesis 11:9)
Tower of Babel
What Old Testament man fell down laughing when God said his old wife would have a baby?
(Genesis 17:17)
What was Daniel cast into?
(Daniel 6:16)
A lion's den
Who was cheated out of his father's blessing?
(Genesis 27)
During the plagues of Egypt, what creature first covered the land?
(Exodus 8:6)
What relative was Bathsheba of David?
(II Samuel 12:24)
She was David's wife
Name the Sea which God pushed back to let Moses and the Israelites pass through?
(Exodus 13:18)
The Red Sea
What relative of Sarah was Esau?
(Genesis 21:1-3)
He was Sarah's grandson
In what country did Jacob die?
(Genesis 49:33, 50: 1-3)
What relative was Hagar of Ishmael?
(Genesis 16:15)
Hagar was Ishmaels's mother
How many fish did Jesus use to feed over 5000 people (along with some loaves)?
(Matthew 14: 16-21)
Who was taken to heaven in a whirlwind: Jesus, Elijah, Moses, and Adam?
(II Kings 2:11)
Who was the third person in the Bible to sin?
(Genesis 4:8)
How many days was Lazarus dead before being raised by Jesus: one, two, three, four or seven?
(John 11:39)
What sound did the apostles hear just before seeing tongues of fire above them?
(Acts 2:1-3)
A wind
What did Jesus ask has favorite disciple to do as he was dying on the cross?
(John 19: 26-27)
Look after Jesus' mother
Who picked up scraps off grain behind harvest workmen?
(Ruth 2:1-3)
Who sat at Jesus' feet whole Martha did homework?
(Luke 10:38-40)
After whose death did Jesus take a boat out to sea?
(Mattthew 14:1-3)
John the Baptist
What was Shadrach thrown into?
(Daniel 3:23)
A furnace