The Date of the Feast of Dedication
What is the 25th day of the 9th Month? 1 Maccabees 4:59
"Eat as it becometh a Man"
What is Sirach 31:16?
This is what you do if you see your neighbor in Sin
What is Leviticus 19:17?
This prophet was drawn out of water
Who is Moses? Exodus 2:10
This woman was told that her husband would rule over her.
Who is Eve? Genesis 3:16
This man is the father of Judas Maccabees
Who is Mattathias? 1 Maccabees 2:1
"Bodily Exercise Profits little"
What is 1 Timothy 4:8?
This is what you do when your brother has offended you.
What is Matthew 18:15-17, Sirach 19:13-17.
This Prophet calls us a "nation not desired"
Who is Zephaniah? Zephaniah 2:1
This woman is the grandmother of Jacob.
Who is Sarah? Genesis 17:15
This man celebrated the Feast of Dedication in The New Testament?
Who is Jesus? John 10:22
"A Cheerful mind will have a care for his or her Diet"
What is Sirach 30:25?
You should give to your poor brother or Sister
What is Deuteronomy 15:7-8?
This Prophet predicts the extinction of Edom.
Who is Obadiah? Obadiah 1:18
This woman is the Mother of Levi
Who is Leah? Genesis 29:32-34
This son of Mattathias died at a Banquet.
Who is Simon? 1 Maccabees 16:14-16
Excessive Meat Eating cause Sickness
What is Sirach 37:30?
This is what you do if you find your brother's or Sister's lost property
What is Deuteronomy 22:1-3?
This prophet was sent to Nineveh
Who is Jonah? Jonah 1:1-2
This woman's second husband was King David after her first husband Died.
Who is Abigail? 1 Samuel 25:36-42
The first Feast of Dedication
What is 1 Kings 8:63-65
Christ said that Life is More than Food
What is Luke 12:23?
"We ought to lay down our lives for the brethren"
What is 1 John 3:16?
This prophet was a Eunuch in Babylon
Who is Daniel? Daniel 1:6-7
This woman used her position to keep Israel from being exterminated
Who is Hadassah/Esther? What is Esther 7:3-10