The tree God warns Adam and eve will lead to death.
What is the tree of the knowledge.
The crown that was bestowed upon Jesus at his crucifixion
What is the crown of thorns
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believe in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
The 3 goals of a disciple
Hint: they all start with BE
What is,
The evil ruler of Egypt who enslaved God's people
Who is pharaoh.
The most important commandment according to Jesus
What is Loving God and others
The community of Jesus followers that was deceived into going back under the law of moses in the book of Galatians.
What is the church of Galatia.
The first 5 books in the bible
the mission of Jesus according to the lord's prayer
What is bringing heaven down to earth
The purpose God gave humans in genesis one. (Hint): It's two words i'm looking for.
to RULE in His IMAGE
The place Paul wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon
What is prison?
The event in which God have the Holy Spirit to his first followers
What is Pentecost.
Ephesians 2:8, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through ______, not of works, so that none of you can brag.
What is faith
Who wrote the book of Romans?
What is Acts?
What Jewish people were expecting the "messiah" would do
What is violently overthrow Rome?
The mountain God delivered the law to the Israelite's on.
What is Mount Sinai
Who is the greatest person who ever lived? (Besides Jesus)
Who is Noah Vattelana.š„³
The nine fruits that Paul describes in Galatians. (hint: these come from God's spirit)
What is, LOVE
This book tells of seven seals, seven vials, and seven trumpets. All sorts of weird stuff
What is Revelation?
Jesus last words as he dies on the cross.
What is "it is finished"
What Jesus is going to usher in at his 2nd coming
What is the new creation?
Why did God bless Israel?
To bless the whole nations
What did Jesus most frequently teach about
What is the arrival of God's kingdom?
What is Human.