Pharaoh sent men to kill Moses after learning what he had done.
What job did Moses have while living in Midian?
a) Farmer
b) Carpenter
c) Fisherman
d) Shepherd
(Answer: d) Shepherd
I am the man Moses met in Midian, and I later became his father-in-law. Who am I?
Where did Moses grow up as a prince?
In Midian, Moses met a man named ________, who became his father-in-law.
Moses ran away to the land of Canaan.
How old was Moses when he fled from Egypt?
a) 30 years old
b) 40 years old
c) 50 years old
d) 60 years old
(Answer: b) 40 years old
I am the woman Moses married in Midian. Who am I?
Where did Moses see an Egyptian beating an Israelite?
When Moses was ________ years old, he went to see how his people were being treated.
Moses worked as a carpenter in Midian.
What was the name of the woman Moses married?
a) Miriam
b) Sarah
c) Zipporah
d) Rebecca
(Answer: c) Zipporah
I sent men to kill Moses after hearing what he did. Who am I?
Which country was ruled by Pharaoh at the time of Moses?
While in Midian, Moses worked as a ________, taking care of Jethro’s sheep.
Moses killed an Egyptian for beating an Israelite slave.
Who was Jethro?
a) An Egyptian ruler
b) Moses’ father
c) A shepherd in Midian and Moses’ future father-in-law
d) Pharaoh’s son
(Answer: c) A shepherd in Midian and Moses’ future father-in-law
I was the ruler of Egypt when Moses was growing up. Who am I?
Where did Moses flee after Pharaoh wanted to kill him?
When Pharaoh heard what Moses had done, he sent men to ________ him.
Moses grew up as an Israelite slave.
Why did Moses flee from Egypt?
a) He wanted to explore new lands
b) He was tired of living in Pharaoh’s house
c) Pharaoh wanted to kill him for murdering the Egyptian
d) An angel told him to leave
(Answer: c) Pharaoh wanted to kill him for murdering the Egyptian
was being beaten by an Egyptian, and Moses saw it happen. Who am I?
Where did Moses bury the Egyptian he killed?
(Answer: b) In the sand
Moses knew that he was not an Egyptian, but that his real parents were ________.