God did this to Cain to protect him
Why did GOD put a mark on Cain?
This word means "The Belief in One GOD"
What is "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our GOD is one LORD: and thou shalt love the Lord with all thine heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might. Deut. 6: 4-5
What is the First and Great Commandment
He wrote "Revelations"
Who is John
This is who GOD is having a discussion with about JOB
Who is satan?
Methuselah was this
Who was the oldest living person in the Bible
Who wrote the Book of Romans
This person wrote the most Books in the Bible
Who is Paul the Apostle?
He was at this location when he wrote Revelations
Where is "Patmos"
The most mentioned woman in the bible
Who is Sarah
Abraham did not want Isaac to marry this
What is a Philistine woman
What are: Nahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, Adamic or Edenic, Land/Palestine/Priestly, The New Covenant
This is what you must do to be saved
What is "That if you confess with your mouth "JESUS is LORD" and believe in your heart that GOD raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Rom 10
The 7 golden lampstands represent this
What are the 7 churches in Asia Minor
He killed 1000 men with the jaw bone of a donkey
Who is Samson
What are the Pentateuch and The Torah
What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
This is the present covenant and type.
What is the New Covenant and what is Conditional
This word was shouted at JESUS to "SAVE US"
What is "HOSANNA"
This is the last word of the book of Revelations.
What is AMEN
GOD told satan that he COULDN'T do this to JOB
He was the first man know to have married two wives
Who is Lamech?
The longest reigning king in the bible was Manasseh with how many years
What is 55 years
Answer the following:
Books of the Bible: Old, New, Total
First and Last Books of the Old & New Testament
Shortest and Longest Books of the Bible
Shortest/Longest Verse of the Bible
How many commandments
What is: 66, 39, 27
Genesis/Malachi Matthew/Revelations
JESUS wept, John 11:35 Psalm 119
613 Commandments
What is GOD's promise "The Day of the LORD" (things to come)
The only book in the bible which does not have the word "GOD"
Who is Esther?