This King of Babylon had a special dream
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
Nehemiah's Job in the palace.
What is king's cupbearer?
The king who lost his mind and ate grass like an ox.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
This man raised Esther after her parents died.
Who is Mordecai?
What is the temple?
This nation was the iron legs of the dream statue.
What is Rome?
This man told Nehemiah about the problems in Jerusalem.
Who is his brother?
The king who decided he needed a new queen.
Who is Xerxes?
She refused to come to the banquet when the king ordered her.
Who is Vashti?
A scribe of the law.
What was Ezra's Job?
These three men were thrown into the fiery furnace.
Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
The person who went with Nehemiah at night to look at the walls.
Who is no one?
Who is Belshazzar?
Who is Haman?
More than 5000 of these were returned for the temple.
What are gold and silver bowls, cups, and dishes?
The city did Daniel's window face to pray.
What is Jerusalem?
What the workers had in one hand while building the wall.
What is a weapon?
The king who had to put Daniel in the lion's den.
Who is Darius?
The way that Mordecai saved the king's life.
What is revealing a plot to kill the king?
Ezra read this, and the people stood up to hear it.
What is God's law?
This is Daniel's Babylonian name.
What is Belteshazzar?
What is the wall of Jerusalem?
The Lord inspired this king to send the Jews back to their homeland.
Who is Cyrus?
This was Esther's Hebrew name.
What is Hadassah?
The gate of the square where the people gathered to hear the law read by Ezra.
What is the Water Gate?