What did God create on the first day?
Answer: Light
What offering did Abel bring to God?
The firstborn of his flock
How did God punish the people who built the Tower of Babel?
Answer: Confused their language
What is the name of the first person God took because he found favor in God's sight?
What was the name of the mountain where the ark came to rest after the flood?
Mount Ararat
What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?
Garden of Eden
Who was Abram's wife?
Answer: Sarai or Sarah
Why did God decide to send a flood?
Answer: Because of humanity's wickedness.
What did God show Abram as a symbol of his descendants?
Answer: Stars in the sky, dust.
Who was Melchizedek?
Answer:King of Salem and priest of God Most High
On which day did God create man?
Answer: Sixth
What was God's covenant promise to Abram?
Answer:A great name and many descendants
What was the Tower of Babel built for?
Answer: A) To reach heaven
Where did Lot choose to live after separating from Abram?
What did Abram give to Melchizedek?
A tenth of everything
Who was the third son of Adam and Eve?
What was the sign of God’s covenant with Noah?
A rainbow
How long did the rain last during the flood?
Answer: 40 days
What did Abram and Lot separate over? What was the reason?
Answer: Flocks and herds
What was the name of Abram’s servant who could have been his heir?
Answer: Eleazar
Who was the first person born in the Bible?
What was the first sin committed by Adam and Eve?
They ate from the Tree of Knowledge
What was the name of Noah's son who was cursed and what did he do?
Ham. He made fun of his father, but the others clothed their naked father.
Who was the father of Abram (later Abraham)?
Answer: Terah
How many people came to visit Abraham? Name 2 things Abraham said he would like to do for them.
3 People.
1. To eat
2. Wash their feet.