Total Books in the Hebrew Scriptures
What is 39?
The first 4 books of the Greek Scriptures
What are the Gospels? (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Where Jesus ascended to heaven
What is the Mount of Olives? (Acts 1:9-12)
“Look! The man!"
What is Pontus Pilate? (John 19:5)
Jesus birth City
What is Bethlehem? (Lu. 2:4-7)
October 2013
What is the release date of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in English?
What is number of Assyrian army killed by an angel in one night? (2 Ki. 19:35)
Where 450 prophets of Baal were killed
What is Mount Carmel? (1 Kings 18:19)
"Am I my brother’s guardian?"
What is Cain? (Gen. 4:9)
Joshua sent two spies to spy out this city?
What is Jericho? (Joshua 2:1)
66 Chapters
What is the Book of Isaiah?
8 people
What is survivors of the flood? (Gen. 8:18)
Where Solomon's temple was built
What is Mount Moriah? (2 Chronicles 3:1)
"Are you still holding firmly to your integrity?"
What is Job's wife? (Job 2:9)
Paul asked the Corinthians to collect money for the their brothers in this city
What is Jerusalem? (Rom. 15:26)
1 Thessalonians 5:17
What is the shortest verse in the NWT?
30 silver pieces
What is the amount of money Jesus was betrayed for? (Matt. 26:15)
The city of David and where he brought the ark of the covenant.
What is Mount Zion? ( 2 Sam. 5:7)
"I do not know how to speak, for I am just a boy."
What is Jeremiah? (Jeremiah 1:6)
Birthplace of Goliath and City where David was forced to flee from Saul
What is Gath? (1 Sam. 6:17; 1 Sam. 21:10)
August 2, 1950
What is first release of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures?
What is thrones and elders on thrones in heaven? (Rev. 4:4)
Where Saul and Solomon died
What is Mount Gilboa? (1 Sam. 31:8)
What is the men of Eʹphra·im? (Judges 12:5, 6)
Seven congregations John wrote to
What is Ephʹe·sus, Smyrʹna, Perʹga·mum, Thy·a·tiʹra, Sarʹdis, Philadelphia, and La·o·di·ceʹa? (Rev. 1:11)