Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
John 20:17- Jesus referred to Jehovah as his God
John 17:3-Refers to two separate people
Acts 2:32- If they are the same and Jesus died, how was he resurrected?
Matthew 26:39-How could their "will" differ from each other if they were the same person?
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
1 John 4:8- A loving parent wouldn't torture people for all eternity.
Genesis 2:17- God told him the punishment for sin was death, not torture.
Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6- They dead know/experience nothing
Jeremiah 32:35- The thought of burning people is detestable to Jehovah and never crossed his mind.
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
Genesis 1:28- Jehovah's original purpose involved people living on EARTH
Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6- The dead know/experience nothing
Psalms 37:11, 29- The meek and righteous will live on the Earth
Revelation 21:4- There has never been any crying, pain, death in heaven, so why does it say "the former things" will pass away?
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
Hebrews 3:4- Illustration: If we take a walk through the forest and find a perfect 2 x 4 piece of wood, could I ever convince you that it happened there by chance? Why not? We are surrounded by the materials to make it, but the idea is still preposterous, isn't it?
Genesis 1:21, 2:7(If they believe that evolution happened with the help of God)- It says according to their "kinds". This does not go along with evolution which says that many species can from one. It also said that Adam was created from dust, not from other animals.
Thanks, but I am already saved because I believe in/love Jesus
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
Matthew 7:21-23- Those people referred to Jesus as "Lord", so they also believed in Jesus, but that alone did not save them
James 2:19- Even the demons believe in Jehovah and Jesus, but they are not in an approved standing with God
James 1:22 or 1 John 2:17- Our faith should move us to action, as we are expected to become doers of the word
John 17:3 then James 1:25- Our everlasting life depends on gaining accurate knowledge of Jehovah and Jesus, but that knowledge should move us to action
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
John 3:16- God does love everybody, and wants everyone to be saved.
Illustration: If you have a friend who is completely drunk and who is getting ready to hop in a car to drive somewhere, you would advise them against it, would you not? You do this because you love them and don't want them to get hurt. Say that they refuse to listen, hop in the car, and speed off. Do you still love your friend? Yes. But do you support the decision they just made? Of course not. Jehovah has given us these rules because he loves us. He loves everybody, but does that inherently mean that he supports their decisions?
Romans 1:26, 27 and 1 Corithians6:9-11 God does not condone homosexuality
All religions are acceptable to God
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
Matthew 7:13, 14- When talking about religion, Jesus mentioned that only a few are finding the path leading to life.
Matthew 7:21-23 Not even all people who recognize Jesus as "Lord" would be accepted. It says those doing the will of his father. What is God's will?
James 1:26, 27- People who have the true religion would keep a tight rein on their conduct(you can also show them Matthew 7:15-20 as a follow up)
Eph 4:5- There is only one faith acceptable to God
Illustration- You ask for directions and no one can agree on which was is the correct one. If someone came and gave you directions using a map, they would be the one you believed. The Bible is our map and shows us which way is the right one. Here are some scriptures that describe what true religion should look like(find some scriptures)
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
John 18:36-Jesus said that his government had nothing to do with the world, or it's government
John 17:16- We follow Jesus example and commands to be no part of this world
Daniel 2:44- God's kingdom is an actual government that will replace the governments that exist today
John 6:15- Jesus made an active effort to avoid being involved in the world's political affairs.
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
Acts 15:28, 29- We are commanded to abstain from blood. Even if the Mosaic Law is not mentioned it is still our responsibility as a CHRISTIAN to not take blood.
Extra support for 'why':
Genesis 9:4- Jehovah has prohibited us from taking blood.
Leviticus 17:14- Life is in the blood, and life is sacred and belongs to Jehovah.
I do not believe in organized religion
Examples of scriptures/reasons to use:
Matthew 24:14 and Hebrews 10:24, 25- In order to do these things you need an organized group.
Matthew 7:13, 14- It is true that most people are on the road leading into destruction, but how can we make sure we are on the road leading to pure worship?
Matthew 7:15-20 Jesus did mention that there would be false teachers in the world, and he also mention how to keep watch for them; however, he also mentioned that some would produce fine fruit.
Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus mentioned that ONLY those doing the will of his father would have everlasting life. What is God's will? (Circle back to the first scripture)
I'm too busy
Examples of things to say:
I am so sorry to catch you at a bad time. Is there a time I could come back that would work better for you?
I am sorry, I know you were expecting us. But don't worry, our message is very brief.
Since you our busy, let me just leave you with this card/tract. We can come back some other time to discuss it a bit more.
I have my own religion/I am already a Christian
Examples of things to say:
I would like to commend you for that, it is hard to find people that still have a spiritual interest today. I would like to show you this scripture, maybe you have already seen it before...
Actually, we talk to people of all religions. We simply like to talk about the scriptures themselves, since that is what is really important.
We really love to talk with people who have a genuine interest in the Bible. That's actually the people that we hope to find. In your study of the Bible, have you ever come across this point...
I'm not interested
Examples of things to say:
Well thank you for your honesty. But if you don't mind me asking, are you not interested in religion or the Bible itself.
If you mean that you are not interested in another religion, I can understand that. But more than like you are interested in what the future will be like, or how can we safeguard or children, or (some other topics you can think of that especially matter today/in your area)