Jehovah's 4 main attributes are these
Love , Justice , Wisdom and Power
The year we moved from Norton st. to Nash Hall.
What is 2016
Name the Month Zoom meetings began
name the year the Great crowd was identified
What is 1935
Jesus said this apostle would out live the others
who is The Apostle John
Name 2 things Jehovah can't do
what is he can't lie and he can't die
the oldest member of the Central Congregation
Sister Corine Baker -- 95
The Coordinator of Bodies of Elders ,was former what?
What is Presiding Overseer
He used all his fortune to fund the Truth
What is Charles Taze Russell?
He taught them Publicly and from House to house
who is the Apostle Paul
This is the smallest book in the Bible
what is 2nd John--- 13 verses
Which C.O. now works in the Legal Dept. ?
Who is Joel Taylor
All District Overseers was reassigned to what . ?
what is Circuit Overseers
He is the Newest member of Governing Body
What is Kenneth Cook
This means Praise Jehovah
What is Hallelujah Ps. 104:35 footnote
How many regular pioneers do we have? Name them.
What is 9 , Connie Means , Ida and James Simcox ,
Charles and Grace Gill , Charlene Haynes , Brandi Rivera , Will and Wanda Jackson
The LDC replace this department
What is the RBC
name the Prophet who out ran a team of horses
who is Elijah
Can you Name of all the Elders in your Congregation ?
What is Marvin Hodge , James Simcox , Bobby Jones , Carl Williams , Charles Gill , Pete Maurer , Brian Hendrix , Nathaniel Ford and Will Jackson
Name the First Broadcast from Bethel ?
What is the Annual Meeting