Jacob was also known by this name.
Who is Israel?
What is the most popular scripture we can find God's name in the Bible?
What is Psalms 83:18?
This creature spoke to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
What is serpent (snake)?
Who is the youngest baptized publisher in the Commerce congregation?
Who is Devon Fisher?
Before Jehovah's Witnesses, what was the group know as? What year did the name change?
Who are the Bible Students; 1931
Samson, the strongest man ever recorded in the Bible, held what political position?
What is judge?
Jehovah's people are often compared to these gentle creatures.
What is sheep?
What circuit number is the Commerce congregation in?
What is Circuit 15?
Who initially founded the Bible students?
Who is Charles Taze Russell?
He had a dispute with the devil about Moses' body.
Who is Michael (archangel)?
What are the main two scriptures our preaching work is based on?
What is Matt. 24:14 and Matt. 28:19,20?
Satan was described as this creature when being cast out of heaven.
What is dragon?
How many Field Service Groups does the Commerce congregation have?
What is 5?
What is the name of the brother who most recently joined the Governing Body and what year was he appointed?
Who is Mark Sanderson, 2012?
Name all 12 of Jesus' original apostles.
Who are Simon (Peter), Andrew, James(son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Judas (Thaddaeus) Thomas, Matthew, James, Simon, Judas (Iscariot)?
Which bible verses list the two greatest commandments? What are they?
What is Matt. 22:37-40; Love Jehovah with your whole heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
This fierce sea monster is described in detail in the book of Job.
What is Leviathan?
Name all 10 of the Regular Pioneers in the Commerce congregation.
Laura Faust, Carmela Henry, Marsha Henry, Tony Henry, Abel Hernandez, Christine Hernandez, Shonie Harrison, Pauline Campbell, Candace Campbell, Jeanette Hall
Name all 8 members of the Governing Body.
Who are D. Splane, A. Morris, M. Sanderson, G. Jackson, M.S. Lett., S. Herd, G. Lösch, G. Pierce?
Name the 12 sons of Jacob.
Who are Reu'ben, Sim'eon, Le'vi, Judah, Is'sachar, Ze'bulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naph'tali, Gad, and Asher?
These scriptural verses describe the war that broke out in heaven.
Revelation 12:7-9
When Elisha cursed a group of young boys for being disrespectful, 2 she bears came out and killed them. How many boys did the she bears kill?
What is 42? (2 Kings 2:24)
Name all 14 of the elders AND ministerial servants in the Commerce congregation.
Who are Bob Lathan, Tom Hall, Tony Henry, Rick Krieger, Matthew Riles, Jarvis Davis, Lee Faust, Abel Hernandez, Garnett Smith, Richard Holland, Drew Borders, Jim Hershberger, Thomas Martin?