In the Bible, Job says “A bag full of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls” what is a pearl?
A hardened mass of calcium that forms inside oysters and other mollusks when a grain of sand enters between the body and the shell it stimulates the creature to harden the grid into a Pearl.
What was Pauls Hebrew name before he became a Christian?
Son of Jochebed, born in Egypt, Big sister called Miriam
Versace, Calvin Klein Gucci perfume all sell today upward of about £40.00 for a 2oz. bottle... What did a pound of perfume Oil "genuine nard" cost in Jesus day To the nearest 1000? (Pounds or Denarii)
"300 Denarii or a years wage of work" John 12:3-5
approx £33,000
Jesus say we are Happy if we are the "35th through the 39th words" of Matthew Chapter 5
What is "Conscious of their spiritual need"
Paul was born in Tarsus, where is that today?
Davids personal advisor, turned traitor and joined David’s son absalom in a coup against the king. He later committed suicide, the only case mentioned in the bible.
Is a fathom, Length is 4ft, 5ft, 6ft?
A fathom is 6ft
The Bible says looking at this insect will make you wise.
"The Ant" Prov. 6.6
They needed to check Paul's credentials before they believed a word he said, they checked everything. Their city was in Macedonia west of Thessalonica (According to map B13)
Who Are "The Beroeans or Beroea" Acts 17:10-12 Maps B13 The Spead of Christianity
This king of the Amalekites was told by Saul “ Just as your sword has bereaved women of children, in that way your mother will be most bereaved of children among women“ Saul then executed this king
What was Moses told by Jehovah, to put in the Ark of Covenant for a reminder of Jehovah's approval of him and a sign of rebelliousness?
What is "Aaron's Budded Rod" Numbers 17:8 Heb.9:4
When Paul was blinded, how long did not eat and drink for?
Three days Acts 9:9
In Greek this word means “very exceedingly deep” and in Hebrew it means “unfathomable, boundless”
A dry measure of 220 litres, DOH!
Paul had a supernatural vision, where does the bible say he was caught away to?
The third heaven 2Cor 12:1-4
The TWO names of this youth taken by Nebuchadnezzar to be a Jewish Royal
Abednego, Azariah