How many books are in the Bible?
How many are 66?
Who was the first righteous man in the Bible?
Who was Abel?
When did God's kingdom start ruling?
When was 1914?
About how many JWs are there?
Bonus for exact #.
How many are 8,500,000
who killed a giant?
Who is David?
What is another name for the Christian Greek Scriptures?
What is the New Testament?
Who's brothers sold them into slavery?
Who was Joseph?
What prophecy is there about the last days?
minimum of 5 answers
Matthew 24:3 -14
Wars, False Prophets, Food shortages, earthquakes, pestilences, good news being preached
1Timothy 3:1-5 characteristics of people
How many Languages is the website translated in?
What were the conventions from the last 3 years about?
What is Courage, Love and Joy?
Which books tell about Jesus' life?
What are the Gospels? Matthew, Mark, Luke John
Who was queen of persia and saved her people?
Who was Esther?
Who colors are the four horses in revelation?
Bonus: who/what do they represent?
Who is
white horse - Jesus
red horse- war
pale horse- death
black horse - famine?
What are Jehovah's 4 dominant attributes?
What are love, justice, wisdom, and power?
Who ate grass and acted like a bull for 7 years?
Who was Nebucadnezer?
Who wrote the book of Revelations?
Bonus: Job and Esther
Who is John?
Who is Moses?
Who is Mordecai?
Who was Jesus' best friend?
Bonus: what was Jesus name in heaven?
Who was john?
Who was Michael?
What was the first prophecy recorded in the bible?
Gen 3:15, Jehovah would crush satan in the head and send his son to undue everything
What are the 4 Hebrew letters that makeup god's name? What is it called?
Bonus: What does Jehovah's name mean?
What is YHWH? What is the tetragrammaton?
Who is he causes to become?
What are the 4 aspects of true worship from the ezekial book?
Must be to Jehovah
Must be best quality
Must be in approved manner
Must be pure motive
Together, what are the first 5 books of the bible called?
What is the Pentateuch?
Who was the woman that killed Sisera with a tent pin?
Who was Ja'el?
In what year was the prophecy of Jerusalem being captured, fulfilled?
When was 607 BCE?
How many are in the governing body?
Bonus: what are their names?
How are the 8 governing body memebers?
Splain, Morris, Losche, Sanderson, Herd, Cook, Jackson, Lett,
What are the 5 kingdoms represented in Daniel's statue?
Head of gold- Babylon
Shoulders of Silver- Medo Persia
Waist - Greece
Legs - Rome
Feet - clay and iron - anglo american