This bible character is the mother of King Solomon.
Who is Bathsheba.
it-1 pp.263-264
During a wedding party, Jesus performed his first miracle.
What is turning water to wine.
John 2:1-12
Jehovah provided this bird as a source of food for the Israelites in the wilderness... Tweet Tweet!
What is Quail
w11 9/1 p. 14
Introducing us to the first human couple, this book gives us a visual of Jehovah's great hand at work.
What is Genesis
In case widows and orphans ever ask, This song based on Luke 5:13 shows the willing spirit we should have for them!
What is song #17, "I Want To"
This bible character's name means "hairy". Like a baby Chewbacca :)
Who is E'sau
(Gen 25:25)
Contrary to common belief, Jesus was born sometime around this month.
What is October.
jy chap. 5 p. 6
In the breastpiece for Israel's high priest, this stone is not identified due to modern terminology
What is Leshem
w12 8/1 p. 26
This book is the largest in the bible with 150 chapters.
What is Psalms
What strong power Jehovah has! This song based on Isaiah 12:2 speaks of his almighty strength
What is song #7, "Jehovah, Our Strength"
This bible character was one of the first mentioned to be born in the land of Fugitiveness and father of Irad.
Who is E'noch.
it-1 p. 729; Gen 4:17,18
While in Jerusalem, this Pharisee visits Jesus after dark to be taught by him.
Who is Nicodemus.
jy chap. 17 p.1
In the report by the 10 spies, this group of people were found dwelling in the land of the Neg'eb.
Who are the Amalekites
Numbers 13:29
This book speaks of a complete extermination of a grand city because of their idol worship.
What is Nahum.
Nahum 1:8-14.
Can you see it!? This song based on Rev 21: 1-5 talks of the Paradise hope we so long for
What is song #139, "See Yourself When All Is New"
Introduced by Luke and taught by Jesus, this bible character was given the title "most excellent".
Who is Theophilus.
it-2 p. 1090 / Lu 1:3, 4
Along with John, this disciple was the first follower of Jesus
Who is Andrew.
jy chap. 14 p. 38
In the Hebrew calendar during the month of Heshvan (Bul), this vegetation was ready to harvest.
What is Olives.
Appendix B15
In this book, we are told of the evident difference between God's children and the Devils, practicing righteousness and love for our brothers.
What is 1 John.
1 John 3:10
So many avenues of service! Based on Matthew 9:37, 38, this song is guaranteed to make you move!
What is song #84, "Reaching Out"
This Pharisee was the first to be given the title "Rabban"
Who is Gamaliel
it-1 p. 887
In the illustration Jesus gave of the two slaves in debt, the first slave's debt equaled this much in Denarii!
What is 60,000,000
jy chap. 64 p. 152 and study note for Mt 18:24
This Egyptian god was humiliated by the 6th plague. Those Egyptians were still in de-Nile!
Who is Imhotep
g78 6/22 p. 11
This book warns us of showing favoritism using an illustration of gold rings!
What is James.
James 2:1-3
Be fearless! Based on Matt. 10:28, This song empowers us not to fear man's empty threats.
What is song #55, "Fear Them Not!"