Old & New Testament People, Places, and Things
You might be a true Christian if?
Understanding the phrase.
Things or people that start with the letter "J"
Our Congregation
Jesus was born here.
Where is " Bethlehem"?
The number of books in the New Testament.
What is "27" NWT Table of contents
Paul wrote this many Letters or Bible Books.
What is "14" See Table of the Books of the Bible
The Book of Isaiah prophesied about him..... He was in the Jordan River when the Heavens opened up..... His father could hardly speak about the miraculous birth of his son..
Who is "John the Baptizer" Mark 1:1-8 , Luke 1: 7-17
Due at the end of each month..
What is "Our Time sheets"
Abel saw it blocking the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
What is "The ever turning flaming blade"
In this book is described the first banishment.
What is "Genesis"
Paul was of this nationality?
What is "A Jew or Hebrew" Phil. 3:5-7
He was a faithful man and a Prophet of Jehovah commissioned to preach in Israel ... Saved thousands of lives with his message... His three days and three nights experience was compared to Jesus' resurrection. He cared more about a piece of vegetation than he did people Big Fish story...
Who is "Jonah" Jonah 4:4-11 Matt. 12:40 See publications > Imitate Their Faith Book > Chapter 13
Arriving Circuit overseer..
Who is "Bro Gordon Lewis"
The "Jubilee" was to be celebrated this often once the Jews were in the Promise Land.
What is "50 years" Lev. 25:10
The Bible says watching this insect will make you wise.. They have six legs... If you're lazy, you would be wise to do this...
What is "The Ant" Prov. 6.6
"The great dragon, the original serpent,"
Who is "Satan" Revelation 12:9
He killed a bunch of Bad men... Saved a lot on not having to pay for his daughter to get married.. Daughter got with her friends and had a pitty party and "weep" about her remaining a virgin...
Who is "Jephthah" Judges 11:30 33 38-40 Type in "weep" and see scriptures
The number of Elders..
What is "6" Name them
What was Moses told by Jehovah, to put in the Ark of Covenant for a reminder of Jehovah's approval of him and a sign of rebelliousness?
What is "Aaron's Budded Rod" Numbers 17:8 Heb.9:4
Total number of books in the Bible
What is 66
Spoken before time. "He is guarding all his bones;. Psalm 34:20 "He was pierced for our transgression." Isaiah 53:5 "They paid my wages,30 pieces of silver." Zec. 11:12, 13
What is "Prophecy"
A twig will grow out of him and will bear fruit... This man had eight sons..... His favorite son obviously loved sports and was very athletic because he went up against the Bears, the Lions, met up with the Chiefs and the Giants who where the champions at that time....
Who is "Jesse" Isaiah 11:1 1 Samuel 17:12, 17-19, 23
The Number of Ministerial Servants..
What is "5"..
The Place where the first camp was made after Moses and the Israelite crossed the Red Sea out Egypt?........ It's water were made to taste bitter to test the Israelites..
What is "Marah" See map in B3 of Appendix B Exodos 15:22-25
"Now the PROMISE was spoken to Abraham and to his offspring"...
Who is "Christ" Galatians 3:16, 29
This King thought that Paul could possible persuade him to become a Christian if he kept listening to him... This King's sister was named "Bernice".....
Who is " King Agrippa" Acts 26: 25-29 Use Bible Search tool
It was not perverted in the eyes of Jehovah.... Obviously Jehovah loves this and will fight for it as sure as a snow cone is just ice..... It's something that Jehovah requires us to exercise in our walk? It's one of 4 that makes Jehovah, Jehovah
What is "Justice" Job 34:12 Micah 6:8
Ministerial Servants
Who are " Justin Pharo; Justin Morgan; David Sanderson; Tony Nelson; Mike Magerino.