Fill in the Blank
Odds & Ends

Name the disastrous event that God brought upon the whole earth because of men's violence (corruption). 

What is the Flood? 

Genesis 6v.11-13;7v.4, 17-24 


The number of commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai

What is 10?

Deut 5:1-22


The location where the Tree of Life resided

Where is the Garden of Eden?

Gen. 2:9

100 BONUS POINTS: Where will it reside in the Kingdom Age?


"_____ is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the _____ of the scornful."

What is "Blessed" and "seat"?

Ps 1:1


After the book of Judges we read that Israel desired something all the other nations had. 

What is a king? 

1 Samuel 8v.6; 12v.13 


The sister of Moses and Aaron

Who is Miriam?

Exo. 15:21


Name the son who Israel loved more than all of his other kids. 

Who is Joseph? 

Genesis 37v.3 


Name the event in which the Spirit of God descended like a dove upon the Lord Jesus Christ. 

What is the Baptism of Jesus? 

Matthew 3v.13-17


The number of apostles that Christ chose.

What is 12?

Mt 10:2


Christ walked on water here

Where is the Sea of Galilee? 

Matt. 14:25-33


"Trust in the LORD with all thine _____; and lean not unto thine own _____."

What is "heart" and "understanding"?

Pro 3:5


Name the instrument David played in the presence of King Saul. 

What is "an harp"? 

1 Samuel 16v.23


God uses THIS condition afflicting many faithful women in scripture in order to bring about children of promise

What is barrenness?

Gen. 11:30; 25:21; 29:31; Jud. 13:2; Luke 1:7


Name the man after God's own heart. 

Who is David? 

Acts 13v.22 


Name the event that God made to bring Joseph's brothers into Egypt. 

What is the Famine? 

Genesis 41v.55-42v.3


I  am the son of Enoch, father of Lamech, and grandfather of Noah. I was 969 years old when I died.

Who is Methuselah?

Gen 5:27


The Apple of God's Eye

Where is Jerusalem?

Lam. 2:18


"For my _____ is easy, and my _____ is light".

What is "yoke" and "burden".

Mt 11:30


Name the type of tree Zacchaeus climbed up so he could see the Lord Jesus Christ. 

What is a sycomore tree? 

Luke 19v.5 


SOLO QUESTION (no help from teammates):

This wicked queen destroyed almost all of the seed royal

Who is Athaliah?

2 Kings 11:1

300 BONUS POINTS: What is the name of Ahaziah's sister who saved Joash from the slaughter?


Name the man who wanted the body of Jesus so he could bury him. (Hint: a disciple of Jesus and rich) 

Who is Joseph of Airmathaea? 

Matthew 27v.57 


Name the event in which we have our first glimpse at Saul (who would later become Paul). 

What is the stoning of Stephen? 

Acts 7v.54-60


The number of men Gideon had when he defeated the army of the Midianites.

What is 300?

Jdg 7:7


The palace of King Ahasuerus

Where is Shushan?

Esther 1:2


"For the _____ shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters _____ the sea."

What is "earth" and "cover"?

Hab 2:14


Name the parts which make up "the whole armour of God..." that we read of in end of the letter to the Ephesians.  (6)

What is? 

Loins girded with truth; Breastplate of Righteousness; Feet shod with Preparation of Gospel of Peace; Shield of Faith; Helmet of Salvation; the Sword of the Spirit 

Ephesians 6v.14-17


Queen Esther's Hebrew name

Who is Hadassah?

Esther 2:7


Name the mighty man of David who slew 2 lion-like men of Moab and a lion in a pit in the snow? 

Who is Benaiah? 

2 Samuel 23v.20 


Name the event in which David leaped and danced before Yahweh and Michal (David's wife) despised him. 

What is The Bringing of the Ark to Jerusalem?

2 Samuel 6v.16 


SOLO QUESTION (no help from your teammates):

Christ taught that we should forgive our brother THIS many times.

What is "seventy times seven"?

Mat 18:22

500 BONUS POINTS: What does this verse mean? You can use your bible!


David fled to the strongholds of THIS location when on the run from King Saul

Where is Engedi?

1 Sam. 23:29


"I will _____ thee, my God, O king; and I will _____ thy name for ever and ever."

HINT: This is also a hymn, and the SS Committee will hum the tune!

What is "extol" and "bless"?

Ps 145:1

Hymn 68


The metals found in Nebuchadnezzar's Image

What are gold, silver, brass, iron, iron mixed with clay?

Dan. 2:32-33


The two women called "the handmaid of the LORD"

Who are Hannah and Mary?

1 Sam. 1:11 and Luke 1:38


David showed kindness to Mephibosheth for this man's sake. 

Who is Jonathan? 

2 Samuel 9v.1-6 


Name the event which caused an entire worldly city to repent from their sins against God. 

What was the Preaching of Jonah? 

Jonah 3 


The amount of people Christ fed with the five loaves and two fishes.

What is (about) 5,000 men plus women and children?

Mk 6:44


SOLO QUESTION (no help from teammates):

The Saints of the Kingdom Age will reside here

Where is the Holy Oblation?

Ezek. 48:10-11


"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and _____ the _____ with a _____. "

What is "smite", "earth", and "curse"?

Mal 4:6

BONUS 600 pts: This is the last verse recorded in the OT before the _____ years of silence!


The characteristics of God found in Exo. 34:6

What are merciful, gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth?

Exo. 34:6


The three women buried at the Cave of Machpelah

Who are Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah?

Gen. 49:31


Name the fool who railed on David's servants. (He was married to Abigail)  

Who is Nabal? 

1 Samuel 25v.3-14 


Name the event which will "trouble" the King of the North. 

What is Tidings out of the east and out of the north? 

Daniel 11v.44 

BONUS (600) What are the tidings of? 


In Revelation 7, the Lamb begins opening up the 7 seals. How many seals have to do with horses/horsemen?

HINT: _____ horsemen of the apocalypse.

What is 4?

Rev 7:1-8


The seven ecclesias that were written to in the Apocalypse

Where are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea?

Revelation 2 & 3


SOLO QUESTION (no help from your teammates):

Recite Rom 7:7-25

...just kidding ;-)

Recite John 1:1! "In _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

What is "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 1:1


The ingredients added to the burning of the red heifer

What are cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet?

Num. 19:6


The five women named in the line of Christ

Who are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary?

Matthew 1


Name the two men who were given difficult tasks to accomplish by God, ones that God himself accomplished. (Hint: Both lived many years from each other; by doing these tasks they would come to know how God's perspective) 

Who is Abraham & Hosea? 

BONUS What was asked of them and how did that relate to what God would do and does. 
