What relative of Esther wrote the book after her name?
Which river mentioned in the Bible flowed through the city of ancient Babylon?
Which evil OT queen was thrown from a wall and trampled by horses?
Jezebel; 2 Ki. 9:30-34
Complete the Beatitude: blessed are the poor in spirit, for:
theirs is the kingdom of heaven; Maa. 5:3
Who asked, “Who should I release to you? Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ?”
Pilate; Maa. 27:17
Which NT man who was an evangelist had four daughters that prophesied?
Philip; Acts 21:8
What OT prophet who anointed David wrote the books of Judges and Ruth?
Which mountain is often associated as a symbol for God's Covenant people?
Mt.Zion; Psa.125:1
Which OT king had his life extended 15 years by God after becoming sick?
Hezekiah; Isa.38:5
Complete the Beatitude: blessed are the meek, for:
they shall inherit the earth; Maa. 5:5)
Who asked, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?”
Jesus; Acts 9:4-5
What married couple came to Corinth to work with Paul as tentmakers?
Aquila; Priscilla; Acts 18:1-3
What three OT books did King Solomon write?
Proverbs;Ecclesiastes; Song of Solomon
Jesus discussed last day events in Matt.24 from which mountain?
Mt. of Olives; Matt. 24:3
Which OT king lost his mind for seven years and lived in the wild?
Nebuchadnezzar; Dan. 4:28-33)
Complete the Beatitude: blessed are the pure in heart, for:
they shall see God; Maa. 5:8
Who said, “I have no one to help me into the pool.”
Invalid by pool of Bethesda; John 5:1-9)
What prophet predicted a famine in Judea during the reign of Claudius Caesar?
Agabus, Acts 11:27-28
What four OT books did Ezra and Nehemiah write?
Ezra; Nehemiah; 1-2 Chronicles
On what mountain did Solomon build the temple on?
Mt.Moriah; 2 Chr. 3:1
Which OT king faced an invasion from Edom, Moab, and Mt. Seir?
Jehoshaphat; 2 Chr. 20:1)
Complete the Beatitude: blessed are the merciful, for:
they shall obtain mercy; Maa. 5:7)
Who said, “Woe unto me! I am a man of unclean lips!”
The prophet Isaiah; Isa. 6:5
What man fell from a 3rd story window after falling asleep during Paul’s sermon?
Eutychus; Acts 20:9)
What four OT books did the prophet Jeremiah write?
Jeremiah;Lamentations; 1-2 Kings
What four rivers flowed from the Garden of Eden?
Gibson; Pison; Hiddekel;Euphrates; Gen.2: 10-14
Which OT queen ruled while Joash was hidden in the temple until the age of 7?
Athaliah; 2 Ki. 11:1-16
Complete the Beatitude: blessed are the peacemakers, for:
they shall be called children of God; Maa. 5:9
Who said, “It is better for one man to die than for a whole nation to perish.”
Caiaphas; John 11:49-50
What woman served as a leader in the Cenchrean Church near Corinth?
Phebe; Rom. 16:1)