"As for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah"
The 6 highlighter colors that can be used when studying
Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, Pink
The Governing Body has chosen this as the 2021 Yeartext
The 2nd original song released
We Won't Forget You
Matthew's other name
"Look! My clan is the least in Ma·nasʹseh, and I am the most insignificant in my father’s house."
JW Library was released during this year of the Annual Meeting
Kenneth Cook, Geoffery Jackson, David Splaine, Mark Sanderson, Anthony Morris, Samuel Herd, Gerrit Losch, Stephen Lett
This original song was most recently released (May Broadcast)
One United People
The apostle that replaced Judas Iscariot
"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"
Name 3 subcategories of the Audio subtab
Original Songs, Sing out Joyfully - Meetings, Sing out Joyfully - Vocals, Sing out Joyfully - Instrumentals, Dramatic Bible Readings, Children's Songs, Kingdom Melodies, Dramas, JW Broadcasting Monthly Programs, Sing to Jehovah - Chorus
The U.S. Branch is located here
Name the 3 original songs that were released at past regional conventions
Give Me Courage, Unfailing Love, Our Joy Eternally
The 3 keys of the Kingdom opened up the ability to receive holy spirit to what groups of people
Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles
"You are saying, ‘I have a strategy and the power to wage war,’ but these are empty words. In whom have you put your trust, so that you dare to rebel against me?"
Sennacherib (via Rabshakeh)
Name the 6 main tabs, or menus, of JW Library
1. Home 2. Bible 3. Publications 4. Media 5. Meetings 6. Personal Study
The first class of Gilead was held in this year
"Like merchants on a quest, we knew that truth was out there"
The Search
The only time Jesus directly addressed someone as "Daughter"
Woman with a flow of blood
"As for me, ______, my spirit was distressed within me because the visions of my head frightened me."
How many languages of the Bible are available in JW Library? (guess within 25)
Coordinator's, Personnel, Publishing, Teaching, Service, Writing
Sing the chorus of "Our Joy Eternally"
There is joy in your creation, in the message of salvation, and the Paradise to come.
But to have your love forever, is a real and lasting treasure
You alone will prove to be, our joy eternally
Philemon's runaway slave who Paul directed to welcome back