Bible Writers
Bible Occupations
Theocratic Terms
Bible Instruments
Greek Scriptures
He penned the book of Exodus in the wilderness in 1512 BCE.
Who is Moses?
This "beloved" Bible writer is mentioned at Colossians 4:14 as having this type of occupation.
What is a physican (doctor)?
The group appointed by Jehovah to provide his servants on earth with spritual "food at the proper time"?
Who is the faithful and discreet slave?
This instrument, which was mastered by David and sometimes referred to as a "lyre", was the first musical instrument mentioned in Scripture.
What is the harp?
The Greek scriptures are commonly referred to as this among those in Christendom.
What is the "NewTestament"?
He was one of the writers inspired to write the book of Proverbs in Jerusalem in 717 BCE.
Who is Solomon?
This occupation mentioned at Psalm 23 was once held by David.
What is a shepherd?
The invisible force that is capable of producing visible effects.
What is the holy spirit?
A percussion instrument used to accompany the harp, trumpet, and other instruments.
What is the cymbal?
This is the fifth book of the Greek scriptures.
What is Acts?
He was unselfish, leaving behind a prominent position as cupbearer in the courtyard of Artaxerxes to undertake the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls.
Who is Nehemiah?
Hezekiah and Solomon were two individuals who held this position.
What is a king?
The period of one thousand years when Satan will be bound and the resurrection of the dead will take place.
What is Judgment Day?
This musical instrument, which utilizes a reed in the mouthpiece, was one of the most popular of all musical instruments, being played at joyous times such as banquets and weddings.
What is the flute?
He was inspired to pen the second most books of the Greek scriptures.
Who is John?
A prophet, the son of Amoz (not the prophet Amos) who wrote the book bearing his name. He served Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah
Who is Isaiah?
Of Jesus’ apostles who were of this occupation, John and Peter were later inspired to write books of the Bible.
What is a fisherman?
A league or confederation of ten cities or the region in which most of these cities were centered.
What is the Decapolis?
This instrument, which was made of an animal skin stretched taut over a round wooden frame, produced a drumlike thump as the musician or dancer struck the instrument with his hand. When the musician shook the frame, loosely attached bells produced a rhythmic jingle.
What is the tambourine?
The number of books contained in the Greek scriptures.
What is 27?
“A slave of Jesus Christ, but a brother of James.” This is the way this writer of the inspired letter bearing his name introduces himself.
Who is Jude?
Both Daniel and Nehemiah held this position in foreign governments that exercised authority over God’s people.
What is a civil servant?
Family gods or idols which were, on occasion, consulted for omens.
What is the Teraphim?
This percussion instrument had an oval-shaped metal frame and a handle, as well as crossbars that held loose metal disks. When rapidly shaken to and fro, it made a stark jingling sound.
What is the sistrum?
The Greek Scriptures may be divided into three main parts: (1) the Historical books, (2) the Letters and (3) the ______________.
What is Revelation?