How many coins did the woman have before she lost one?
10 coins
Why excuses did the invited guests make for not attending the banquet.
They bought oxen, they bought a field, they got married, or were just too busy, etc.
Why is it surprising that a Samaritan helped the injured Jewish traveler?
Samaritans and Jews generally did not associate with one another.
Who was Nicodemus and why was he embarrassed to be seen with Jesus?
Because he was a pharisee and most of the other pharisees condemned Jesus.
Who was Zacchaeus and how did he try to see Jesus?
He was as tax collector. He climbed a tree in order to see Jesus.
What did the younger son ask his father for?
His share of the inheritance
Who ended up attending the banquet?
The poor, crippled, blind, and lame.
What does the parable of the good Samaritan teach?
Everyone is our neighbor and if we love and serve God, we will also love and serve others.
What two example does Jesus use to teach about planning ahead?
1. Building a tower.
2. A king preparing for battle.
How did Zacchaeus show that he had a truly repentant heart?
He gave away half his possessions and repaid those he cheated.
What does the lost sheep represent?
Someone who loses their way spiritually
Who is invited to the banquet.
In the parable of the banquet, what did Jesus say will happen to someone who takes the best seat?
He will be sent to the lowest seat when someone more important comes.
If someone doesn't finish a project, what will people think of him/her?
They will laugh at him/her.
What did Jesus offer the Samaritan woman at the well?
Living water.
How do the shepherd, woman, and father respond when they find what was missing?
They all rejoice.
Who do the sheep and goats each represent and what will happen to them.
The sheep represent the righteous who will inherit the kingdom of heaven. The goats represent the wicked who will be annihilated at the end of the earth.
In the parable of the banquet, why did Jesus say to take the lowest seat?
You will be brought up to a higher seat. The humbled will be exalted.
What did Jesus tell Nicodemus he must do to enter God’s kingdom?
Be born again.
What did Jesus say about the sinful woman who poured perfume on his feet.
Someone who is forgiven much, will love much.
Explain the parable of the vineyard tenants and what it means.
A man bought a vineyard. He left tenants to watch and take care of the vineyard. When he sent servants to collect the harvest, the tenants beat and killed them. Finally the owner sent his only son, thinking the tenants would respect him. However, the tenants killed the son, thinking they could claim the inheritance. The owner represents God, and the son represents Jesus.
How will God distinguish between who are the sheep and the goats?
By their works. The sheep (the righteous) will perform acts of selfless service2. The goats (the selfish) will neglect to care and serve others.
What is the Great Commission?
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
What does being "born again" mean?
A spiritual renewal through faith
Give an example of a parable that we learned about and explain how it shows God’s love and forgiveness.
Answers will vary.