He “Walked With the True God”
She was a young Jewish woman, and she was a virgin at the time she gave birth to her Son, having conceived God’s son miraculously.
Mary (Mother of Jesus)
O Jehovah, you have given us
a hope that we ____ dear.
It’s a hope we find so thrilling
we want the world to hear.
Hold ( Song 3 - Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence )
Life can be hard if we walk it alone, living in these last days.
Jehovah knows that we need friends to help us along the way.
But where do we go? Where do we turn to find those true __________?
Well, remember what we learn in his Word.
Companions (True Friends)
“May people know that you, whose ____ is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.—Psalms 83:18
He “Continued Growing Up With Jehovah”
She was the wife of Elkanah. Her son became a prominent prophet in ancient Israel.—1 Samuel 1:1, 2, 4-7.
Grant us boldness as we witness;
Help us overcome our fear.
Give us confidence and _____
So that all the world may hear.
Courage ( Song 73 - Grant Us Boldness )
So you’re my friend ’cause you’re always there
Through our ups and downs and through all we’ve shared.
And I’m there
When you need _______, when things are hard to bear.
I’ll be the friend you need.
You can count on me.
Someone (You Can Count On Me)
“Do not be ______ over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 4:6, 7
“Nothing Can Hinder (Balakid) Jehovah”
She was the wife of a wealthy but harsh man. She, however, was discerning and humble, as well as beautiful both physically and spiritually.—1 Samuel 25:3.
How does it make you feel
when you ____- and teach with zeal,
When you know you’ve done your part
to reach an honest heart?
Preach ( Song 76 - How Does It Make You Feel? )
’Cause he gave me
Courage when I was feeling weak,
Courage when I could not speak,
Courage in my _____ night,
Courage to stand up tall,
Courage to face it all,
Courage to trust him with my life.
Jehovah’s always by my side.
Darkest (Jehovah's Always Our Side)
“Love is ____ and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up,”—1 Corinthians 13:4
He Fought Against Fear and Doubt
She was a prophetess whom Israel’s God, Jehovah, used to reveal his will on matters affecting his people. God also used her to help settle problems among the Israelites.—Judges 4:4, 5.
Listen, obey, and be blessed
When you hear God’s will expressed.
If you’d be ____ and enter his rest,
Listen, obey, and be blessed.
Happy ( Song 89 - Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed )
I’ve got wheels; I’ve got racks;
I’ve got books, and I’ve got ____.
I take the Kingdom message ev’rywhere.
Tracts ( If You Could See What I See )
“ Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be ______, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness.’”—Isaiah 41:10
“My Beloved and Faithful Child in the Lord”
She was the wife of Heber, a non-Israelite. She took a fearless stand for God’s people.
Jehovah our God is our joy,
The work of his ____ our delight.
How deep are his thoughts, how great are his works,
Abounding in goodness and might!
Hands ( SONG 111 - Our Reasons for Joy )
Your Word endures forever,
And your sayings are, oh, so deep.
The good news you declare is a breath of fresh air,
And your sayings I just want to _____.
Keep ( Your Word Endures Forever )
“And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the ______, and then the end will come.”—Matthew 24:14