Who were the first two humans?
Adam and Eve
Why did Cain kill Abel?
He was jealous of his brother.
In the video of birthday parties what does Caleb almost eat in school?
Why did Adam y Eva get kicked out of the Jardín de Eden?
Because they disobeyed jehova
Who is Jesus?
Jehovah’s son
Quien hizo la Arca?
Who closed the door to Noas arc?
In the video where the mom gives them gifts what does Sofia get and what does Caleb get and what happened?
Caleb- car
Sophia- art supplies
They fought because they didn’t want to share
Why did jehova bring the big flood or the diluvio?
Because everyone in earth was bad
Who is jehova
He is the true god
Como se llamaba el hijo de Sara y Abraham?
Porque se convirtió la esposa de Lot en una estatua de sal?
Porque miro para tras a sus cosas materiales.
I’m the video of prayers and oracion why does the mean girl bully Sophia?
She says Sophia is different and weird.
Why did jehova create the rainbow, to promise what?
He will never destroy the earth with a flood
Why don’t we salute the flag
Because the flag is an idol and we only give our honor to jehova
What was the name of Jesus’s mom?
How did Joseph’s brother treat him?
They were mean and jealous of him.
In the newest video of Sophia and Caleb, Sophia’s friend is scared of what?
She is scared of what others think and fear of men.
Why was Sanson strong, where did he get his strength from?
How many apostoles did Jesus have?
Como se llamaba la suegra de Rut?
What happen to job
He got his family killed, a skin disease and lost everything.
I’m the video of the niña Israelita, La Niña a quien le predica?
To the wife of the king
Why did jehova bring the 10 plagues?
Because the pharaoh didn’t want to let Jehovah people leave
What does jehova promise us in the future?
Paradise and enternal life