This man built an ark to survive the flood.
Jesus performed this first miracle at a wedding in Cana.
Adam and Eve ate from this tree, bringing sin into the world.
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
What is Genesis 1:1?
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
How many days did it take God to create everything?
6 days (He rested on the 7th)
This man was swallowed by a great fish after trying to run from God’s command.
God gave Moses the 10 Commandments at this mountain.
Mount Sinai
What broke Paul and Silas out of jail as recorded in the book of Acts?
An earthquake
God confused the languages of the people at this tower.
Tower of Babel
This verses says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
What was the last thing God created before resting?
Who is the oldest recorded man who ever lived according to the Bible who lived 969 years old?
This Old Testament book contains the story of a woman who became queen and saved her people.
What 3 gifts were given to Jesus by the wiseman?
Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold
The Ten Commandments were placed inside this sacred object
The Ark of the Covenant
Jesus taught His disciples how to pray in this passage, which contains the Lord’s Prayer.
Matthew 6:9-13
What did God create on day 4?
The sun, moon, and stars
This queen visted King Solomon to test his wisdom.
Queen of Sheba
What are the names of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms?
Northern - Israel
Southern - Judah
How many days did Jesus remain on Earth after His resurrection?
40 Days - Acts 1:3
The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on this day, which marks the birth of the church.
This book in the Bible contains this quote: "Vanities of vanities! All is vanity!"
How many years ago was creation according to most Christian scholars?
Approx. 6,000 years
This man doubted Jesus' resurrection until he touched his wounds.
The prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven in a contest against the prophets of this false god.
How many years will Satan bound in the pit as recorded in the book of Revelation?
1,000 Years - Revelations 20:1-3
What event in the Bible is believed to have happened in A.D. 33?
The death of Jesus
This chapter in the Bible contains Jesus' Beatitudes.
Matthew 5
Which 4 rivers ran through the Garden of Eden?
Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates
This man is known as the Weeping Prophet.