This person committed the first murder.
Who is Cain?
He led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
Who is Moses?
Jesus calmed a storm while the disciples were traveling on a ____.
What is a boat?
Jesus was born in this town.
What is Bethlehem?
Jesus healed a paralyzed man after his friends lowered him through the ___.
What is the roof?
Noah built an ___ to survive a worldwide flood.
What is an ark?
This shepherd boy defeated Goliath and later became king.
Who is David?
God provided this food from heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness.
Jesus' earthly parents were named this.
Who are Mary & Joseph?
He baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
Who is John the Baptist?
God confused the languages at this unfinished structure.
What is the Tower of Babel?
This judge of Israel defeated the Midianite army with only 300 men.
Who is Gideon?
Jesus cleansed ten of this type of outcast, but only one returned to thank him.
What are lepers?
At age 12, Jesus was found in this place in Jersualem, amazing the teachers with his knowledge.
What is the temple?
The FIRST miracle of multiplying food fed this many men.
What is 5,000?
Abraham was tested by God when asked to sacrifice his son named ___.
Who is Isaac?
This first king of Israel was eventually rejected by God.
Who was Saul?
Jesus raised this man from the dead after he had been buried for four days.
Who is Lazarus?
Jesus called this tax collector to be one of his disciples.
Who is Matthew?
Jesus fasted for this many days before the devil tempted him in the wilderness.
This man wanted to receive his father's blessing, so he tricked his father into thinking he was the older son.
Who is Jacob?
This Persian queen saved the Jews from destruction when Haman threatened their lives.
Who is Esther?
After he challenged the prophets of Baal, this prophet called on God to send fire from heaven on Mount Carmel.
Who is Elijah?
Jesus gave this long sermon, which includes the Beatitudes.
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
Jesus told Nicodemus that to see the kingdom of God, a person must...
What is be born again?