Abraham became "heir of the world" by what means?
The righteousness of faith
What part of Paul delighted in the law of God?
The inward man
By whom are we justified?
What was Paul's desire and prayer for Israel?
That they might be saved
How does the Bible describe the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace?
How much faith has God dealt to every man?
A measure of faith
Where shall Christians be judged for their actions and deeds?
The judgment seat of Christ
What responsibility does the strong person have toward the weak person?
To bear with the scruples
To those who perish, the preaching of the cross is what?
By what means does God confound the wise?
The foolish things of the world
If we glory, in whom should we glory?
The Lord
Why can't a natural man know spiritual things?
Because they are spiritually discerned
How will every man receive his own reward?
According to his own labor
How will God judge our works?
By fire
What is required of a steward?
That he be faithful
In what way is the kingdom of God manifested?
In power
Two part answer. To what did Paul liken the unleavened bread?
Sincerity and truth
Who shall judge the world?
The saints
What did Paul encourage the Corinthians to flee?
Sexual immorality
Statement and question. Paul said that "knowledge puffeth up," but what did he say edifies?
Charity [or love]
To whom could our liberty become a stumbling block?
The weak
Who did Paul recognize as the writer of the law?
To what did Paul liken the Christian's life?
To a race
How should the person striving to win the eternal prize live?
Be temperate in all things
To whom did Paul equate the Rock in the wilderness?