Adam & Eve
Noah & Isaac

What is the name of the garden where Adam and Eve where and what fruit did God forbid them to eat?

Garden of Eden. God forbids them to eat from "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".


How many children did Noah have? What are their names?

3 sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


What is the name of Abraham's nephew?



What is the name of Jacob's twin?



How many brothers did Joseph have? How many older and how many younger?

11= 10 older and 1 younger.


How did Adam and Eve sin?

The serpent tempted Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God had forbidden. She later told Adam


What did the Lord command Noah.

The Lord commanded Noah to build an ark in which his family and “every living thing of all flesh” (Genesis 6:19) were saved from the Flood.


What did God promise Abraham?

I will give you this land for your descendants. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.”


What did Jacob ask for in return to making his twin soup once he comes from hunting?



What did Joseph's father gift him?

A rainbow colour coat.


What did Adam and Eve do after eating from the forbidden tree? How did God punish them?


They realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then they hid when they heard God's voice, and played the blaming name.

God then curses the serpent, the woman, then the man, and expels the man and woman from the Garden


What is the name of the servant that found a bride for Isaac?



What did Sarah do when she heard of the promise?

She laughed.


Why was Jacob known as the deceiver?

Pretended to be Esau wih the help of his mom to steal his blessing.


What are the 3 things that
Joseph's brothers considered/did to him? Why did they do that?

Wanted kill him, threw him in the well and sold him. Because they werre jealous that their father loved him more and the gift her waqs given.


What are the names of Adam and Eve's children and what happened to them?

Abel, Cain and Seth,

Cain was jealous that God accepted Abel's sacrifice and killed him and then he ran away and receives a protection mark from God so no one can murder him.


What is the name of Isaac half brother and the mother of the half brother.

Ishmael and Hagar.


How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?



What are the names of Jacobs wives?

Leah & Rachel


Why was Jospeh in jail? What happens since he he got into prison qnd how does he get out.

Pothipar wife lied. Joseph was put in charge as the prisoner responsible for other prisoners. He meet the butler and baker and interpret their dreams. He interprets Pharoh's dream.


From day 1 to 7 state God's creation.

day 1 - light and darkness;

day 2 - sky and sea;

day 3 - land; 

day 4 - sun and moon;

day 5 - birds and fish;

day 6 - animals, man, and woman; 

day 7 - God rests


What is the name of Isaac's wife? How did they meet?

Rebekah. Abraham send his head servant Eliazer to find him a bride for his son. Eliezer prays and asks for God's guidance. 


What did God ask of Abraham regarding Isaac and what happened in the end?

God orders Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac at Moriah. As Abraham begins to comply, having bound Isaac to an altar, he is stopped by the Angel of the Lord; a ram appears and is slaughtered in Isaac's stead, as God commends Abraham's pious obedience to offer his son as a human sacrifice.


What did Jacob have to do to get married and how did he get deceived?

To work seven years for the right to marry Laban's younger daughter, Rachel (Genesis 29:18–19). The years flew by because of his love for her (Genesis 29:20). But Laban has betrayed Jacob and Rachel by switching Leah for Rachel on their wedding night. So he then worked another 7 years to marry Rachel.


Memory verse from Genesis 50:20

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
