The 2 parts of the bible
Old Testament and New Testament
Does not account for the changes in the meanings of words over time.
There are this many types of truths in the bible
There are this many Eucharist themes
Book title of Genesis 1:31
What does the Old Testament discuss?
History of Hebrews, Life BEFORE Christ
This approach takes the Bible on its own terms instead of our terms.
The deeper meaning that God intends to reveal to people through historical events
Religious Truth
First part of Mass
Introductory rites
Chapter number of Genesis 1:31
What does the new testament discuss?
all the stories of JESUS: his birth, life and death
Does not account for stories
A lesson is being taught of what is right and what is wrong
Moral Truth
This helps us improve our understanding Biblical Readings
Verse Number of Genesis 1:31
What are books of Law in the bible?
Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Numbers
When we use this approach, we study the politics, culture and circumstances present at the time that part of the Bible was written or refers to.
A teaching in which we must read between the lines in order to understand the truth being presented.
Symbolic Truth
The part of Mass when we receive the Host
Liturgy of the Eucharist
There are this many books in the bible
“The Good News” of Jesus told in four different perspectives (Name of these Books.... MMLJ)
A short saying, used to embody a general truth.
Proverbial Truth
Concluding Rites
Each chapter in the Bible is divided into these