Who can keep God’s law?
No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
What is a covenant?
a special agreement or promise
Whom can we trust?
We can trust God to take care of us.
True or False
Achan confessed to taking a beautiful cloak, pieces of silver, and a bar of gold. (true, Josh. 7:20-21)
Josh. 7:20-21
Why was Jesus born?
Jesus was born to rescue us from sin
Which leader gave the Israelites a message from God before they entered the promised land?
Deut. 1:3
How often were the Israelites to talk about God’s commandments?
all of the time
Deut. 6:7
Why were the people afraid?
They thought the people living in the promised land were too strong
Num. 13:28-29
What did Rahab ask the spies to do?
keep her family safe
Josh. 2:12-13
Where did Mary and Joseph live when they found out they would be the parents of Jesus?
Luke 1:26
Could Moses enter the promised land?
No, Moses and Aaron disobeyed God too
Deut. 3:26
What would happen if the Israelites obeyed God’s commands?
God would bless them
Deut. 4:40
What fruits did the spies bring back for Moses?
Name at least 2.
grapes, figs, pomegranates
Num. 13:23
Why did the Israelites pile up stones after crossing the river?
to make a memorial, to remember what the Lord had done
Josh. 4:2-6
How did the wise men respond when they saw Jesus, and what gifts did they give to Jesus?
They fell down and worshiped Him
gold, frankincense, and myrrh
Matt. 2:11
How long had Moses and the Israelites been wandering in the wilderness?
40 years
Deut. 1:3
Where did God give His people the Ten Commandments?
Mt. Sinai (Mt. Horeb)
How many spies did Moses send to explore the promised land?
12 spies
Fill in the blank
Joshua spoke to the Israelites because he was getting _______.
Josh. 23:1
What group of people first heard the message that God’s Son was born?
Shepherds who were out in the fields with their flocks
Luke 2:8
Why were the people wandering the wilderness?
The people had refused to enter the promised land the first time God led them there.
Deut. 1:19-39
Name the Ten Commandments.
Do not have other gods besides Me.
Do not make an idol for yourself.
Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
Do not murder.
Keep your marriage promises.
Do not steal.
Do not lie.
Do not want what belongs to someone else
Deut. 5:4-21
When the people complained again about no water, what did God send, and how could the people be healed?
poisonous snakes,
God told His people to look at the bronze snake to be healed.
Fill in the blank
Joshua said, “As for me and my family, we will _______ Yahweh.”
Josh. 24:15
Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
Caesar Augustus had ordered a census
Luke 2:1-3