I was a slave girl in the house of a Syrian army chief. My bold words led to a great miracle performed by Jehovah's prophet. What was my master's name?
O le a ia lē __________ le ū ua nutililiia, O le a ia lē __________ fo‘i le vavae ua mū itiiti
gausia; tineia (Isaia 42:3)
The Bible has 39 Hebrew and 27 Greek books.
Answer: True
What animal did Jesus liken Herod to?
Fox / Alope
I am the daughter of an Israelite judge. I willingly gave up the prospect of marriage and childbearing to fulfill a vow my father made. Who was my father?
. . . afai e pei lo outou __________ o le fatu o le _________, tou te fai atu i lenei mauga, Ia siitia oe i o . . .
faatuatua; sinapi (Mataio 17:20)
Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan is found in the Gospel of John.
Answer: False (It is recorded in the Gospel of Luke)
Pelican in English, what is it's Samoan equivalent?
I am an angel who was asked by Manoah, the father of Samson, for my name. I modestly refused to accept honor that was due only to God. What was my name?
No name
. . . ua tuuina mai ai iā te aʻu le mea _________ i le tino, o le agelu lea a Satani, ua pō mai pea iā te aʻu ina neʻi oʻu __________ naʻuā
matuitui; faamaualuga
King David ruled for 30 years.
Answer: False (David ruled for 40 years)
O le ā le faasamoa o le "ostrich"?
I am a king of Judah who was struck with leprosy for unlawfully burning incense in the temple. My reign was marked by both prosperity and downfall. Who am I?
King Uzziah (also known as Azariah) (2 Chronicles 26:16-21)
o le a ou aveeseina mai i o outou tino le loto e pei o se ____________, ma tuu atu iā te outou se loto e ____________.
maa; vaivai (Esekielu 36:26)
Mary Magdalene was the only one who discovered Jesus' ressurection.
False (Mary, the mother of James and Joses was with her)
O le ā le manu atonu e faasino i ai Peemota?
Hippo (Job 40:15)
I was a prophetess and the wife of Shallum. I delivered Jehovah's message to King Josiah when he sought guidance about the book of the Law. Who am I?
Huldah (2 Kings 22:14-20)
Auā o le manaʻo tele i tupe o le pogai lea o ________________
mea leaga eseese uma (1 Timoteo 6:10)
Habbakuk prophesied about the birthplace of the Messiah, stating it would be in Bethlehem.
Answer: False (It was Micah - Micah 5:2)
What animal could Leviathan be?
Crocodile (Job 3:8)