Who were the first people made
Adam and Eve
Where was the wedding where Jesus changed water into wine
Cana of galilee
this saint has six wings
St tekle haymanot
in Ethiopian calendrer which day is Mary's day
the 21st is Mary's day
God helps those who help themselves. bible or not bible
not bible from ben franklin in 1757
this saint baptized before Jesus came
John the Baptist
in Ethiopian calendrer which day is Kidoos Gabriel day
the 19th
But Marata the dead man's sister protested Lord he has been dead for days the smell will be terrible
from the bible or not bible
John 11:39
this saint was a soldier in the Roman army
St George
in Ethiopian calendrer which day is Amanuel's day
the 28th
don't throw your pearls to pigs they will trample the pearls then turn and attack you
from the bible or not bible
matthew chapter 7 verse 6
this saint saw the holy trinity while being stoned to death.
St Stephen
in Ethiopian calendrer which day is St George's day
the 23rd
The lord works in mysterious ways
from the bible or not the bible
not the bible
a hymn by william cooper in the 18th century
this saint developed thick white hair covering all his body like a coat. He was able to appease the wild beasts and lived 562 years.
this saint is Abune Gebre Menfes Kidus
in Ethiopian calendrer which day is tekle haymanot's day
the 24
"Let me gulp some of that red stuff"
from the bible or not the bible
the bible
Genesis chapter 25 verse 30