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What did Jesus' disciples say after He stopped the storm? (8:27

Lord, how did you do that?

Lord, You are the Son of God.

Even the winds and the waves obey him!

Even the winds and the waves obey him!


What did Jesus say to the woman who touched His cloak? (9:22)

Why did you do that?

Take heart, I will heal you.

Take heart, daughter . . . your faith had healed you.

Take heart, daughter . . . your faith had healed you.


What did Jesus say about His yoke and burden?  (11:30)

My yoke and burden fit everyone perfectly.

My yoke is easy and my burden is light.

My yoke and burden make you strong.

My yoke is easy and my burden is light.


What is the kingdom of heaven like?  (13:33)

Yeast that is worked all through the dough

Flour that is mixed to make bread

Sugar that sweetens the dough

Yeast that is worked all through the dough


How well did the loaves and fish feed the people? (14:20)

They all ate and were satisfied.

They all had too much to eat.

They all ate, but were still hungry.

They all ate and were satisfied.


Where did two demon-possessed men come from to meet Jesus? (8:28)

The tombs

The river

The synagogue

The tombs


How did Jesus heal the synagogue leader's sick daughter?  (9:25)

He took her by the hand, and she got up.

He prayed for her, and she got up.

He touched her forehead, and she got up.

He took her by the hand, and she got up.


What did Jesus' hungry disciples do one Sabbath?  (12:1)

Picked heads of grain and ate them

Turned stones into bread

Went out to fish

Picked heads of grain and ate them


When a man found treasure hidden in a field, what did he do? (13:44)

He hid the treasure again.

He sold everything he had and bought the field where the treasure was hidden.

Both answers are correct.

Both answers are correct.


How many people ate the five loaves and two fish?  (14:21)

3,000 people

5,000 men plus women and children

Jesus' disciples plus women and children

5,000 men plus women and children


How did the two demon-possessed men act? (8:28)

They screamed day and night.

They killed people who came near them.

They were so violent that no one could pass that way.

They were so violent that no one could pass that way.


What did Jesus do in "all the towns and villages"?  (9:35)

He spoke to the teachers of the law.

He visited His family and friends.

He taught, proclaimed the good news, and healed.

He taught, proclaimed the good news, and healed.


How did Jesus reply when the Pharisees said it was not lawful to pick and eat grain on the Sabbath? (12:2-7)

You are right.  They did wrong.

I desire mercy, not sacrifice.

Both answers are correct

I desire mercy, not sacrifice.


Which of these did Jesus say the kingdom of heaven is like?  (13:45)

Beautiful jewels

Fine pearls

Lovely clothes

Fine pearls


On the lake, what did Jesus' disciples see that frightened them?  (14:26)

A ghost

Giant waves

Jesus walking on the water

Jesus walking on the water


What did the demons in the two men beg Jesus to do? (8:31)

Send them into another person

Send them into a herd of pigs

Send them into the tombs

Send them into a herd of pigs


Why did Jesus have compassion on the crowds?  (9:36)

They were "sick and needed healing."

They were "helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

They were "poor and needy."

They were "helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."


Who did Jesus say is Lord of the Sabbath? (12:8)

God the Father

The angels in heaven

The Son of Man

The Son of Man


When a merchant found a pearl of great value, what did he do?  (13:46)

Sold everything he had and bought it

Buried it where no one could find it

Borrowed all he could and bought it

Sold everything he had and bought it


When Jesus walked on water, what did Peter ask Jesus to do?  (14:28)

Show me how to walk on water.

Tell me to come to you on the water.

Get into the boat and save us.

Tell me to come to you on the water.


What did the people of the town do after Jesus healed the demon-possessed men? (8:34)

Asked Him to leave

Thanked Him for helping the men

Had a feast for Jesus

Asked Him to leave


What did Jesus say to His disciples about the harvest?  (9:37)

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

The harvest is poor, and there are too many workers.

The harvest is plentiful; go bring it in.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.


When Jesus went to a synagogue, what special person was there?  (12:9-10)

The high priest from Jerusalem

A man with a shriveled hand

A woman who had been blind for 12 years

A man with a shriveled hand


When Jesus went to His hometown, what did He do?  (13:54)

Taught the people in the synagogue

Visited His family and friends

Talked to the priest in the synagogue

Taught the people in the synagogue


When Peter saw the wind, what happened? (14:30)

He was afraid and began to sink.

He tried to fly through the wind.

He cried out, "Lord, I'm drowning!"

He was afraid and began to sink.


In Jesus' own town, who did some men bring to Him? (9:1-2)

A paralyzed man

A leper

A demon-possessed man

A paralyzed man


What power did Jesus give His 12 disciples?  (10:1)

Power "to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."

Power "to raise the dead."

Power "to know right from wrong."

Power "to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."


In the synagogue, what question did the Pharisees ask Jesus in order to bring charges against Him? (12:10)

Is it lawful for sick people to be in the synagogue?

Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?

Will you heal this man on the Sabbath?

Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?


How did people in Jesus' hometown feel about His teaching? (13:54, 57)

They were amazed.

The took offense at him.

Both answers are correct.

Both answers are correct.


What did Jesus say when He pulled Peter out of the water?  (14:31)

Why didn't you reach for my hand?

Why did you doubt?

Why did you want to walk on water?

Why did you doubt?


What did Jesus say to the paralyzed man? (9:2)

Take heart, son; I will heal you.

Take heart, son; your faith has healed you.

Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.

Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.


Which of these men were three of Jesus' 12 disciples?  (10:2-4)

Joshua, Mark, and Barnabas

Peter, Thaddeus, and Judas

Nicodemus, Joseph, and Paul

Peter, Thaddeus, and Judas


How did Jesus answer the Pharisees' question about healing on the Sabbath?  (12:10, 12)

I never hear on the Sabbath.

Sometimes it is right to heal on the Sabbath.

It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.

It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.


What did Jesus say to the people in His hometown?  (13:57)

In a man's hometown, people love him best.

A prophet has honor except in his own town and home.

I can't believe you are not honoring me.

A prophet has honor except in his own town and home.


What did the disciples say as they worshiped Jesus on the boat?  (14:33)

Truly you have power that we don't have.

Truly you saved Peter's life.

Truly you are the Son of God.

Truly you are the Son of God.


What did Jesus tell the paralyzed man to do? (9:6)

Have great faith

Take up his mat and go home

Ask to have his sins forgiven

Take up his mat and go home


What were were the disciples to do if someone didn't welcome them?  (10:14)

Pray for the person or town and leave.

Plead with them in Jesus' name.

Leave that town or home and shake the dust off their feet.

Leave that town or home and shake the dust off their feet.


What did Jesus do for the man with the shriveled hand?  (12:13)

Restored it when the man stretched out his hand

Stretched the hand to the proper length

Prayed for the man, and his hand was healed

Restored it when the man stretched out his hand


Why didn't Jesus do many miracles in His hometown? (13:58)

The people lacked faith.

No miracles were needed.

There wasn't time to do miracles.

The people lacked faith.


In Gennesaret, what did people do?  (14:35-36)

Begged Jesus to let their sick touch the edge of His cloak

Brought their sick and left them with Jesus

Both answers are correct.

Begged Jesus to let their sick touch the edge of His cloak


What did the crowd do when Jesus healed the paralyzed man? (9:8)

They helped him carry his mat home.

They praised God.

Both answers are correct.

They praised God.


Finish this verse:  "Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, . . .  (Matthew 9:37-38)

" . . .  to bring in the harvest soon.'

" . . . to hire workers for his harvest field."

" . . . to send out workers into his harvest field."

" . . . to send out workers into his harvest field."


Finish this verse:  Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my . . . (Matthew 11:28-29a)

" . . . hand, and I will help you."

" . . . yoke upon you and learn from me."

" . . . burden; it is too heavy for me."

" . . . yoke upon you and learn from me."


Finish this verse:  "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, . . . "  (Matthew 6:33)

" . . . and God will answer all of your prayers."

" . . . and you will become a very righteous person."

" . . . and all these things will be given to you as well."

" . . . and all these things will be given to you as well."


Finish this verse: "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous . . . " (Psalm 55:22)

" . . . be sad."

" . . . be shaken."

" . . . be lonely."

" . . . be shaken."
