T or F? God made only woman in his image?
False. All people, male and female, have been made in God's image.
T or F? Mankind was spoken into existence?
False. God formed man from the dust and breathed life into him.
T or F? Every person is valuable because they have been made in God's image.
True. Our value comes in our identity as God's image bearers.
T or F? Life is not a gift from God but naturally comes from your parents.
False. Life is a gift from God and it is a miracle that God works through our parents.
Fill in the blank: Every life is of _________ value to God.
Every life is of equal value to God.
What does it mean that we are relational?
We have been designed to be in relationships.
Fill in the blank: We are ______________ on God. God sustains our beating heart and the breath in our lungs.
We are dependent on God. God sustains our beating heart and the breath in our lungs.
Correct this sentence: Human beings are perfect image bearers of Christ.
Human beings are sinful and marred image bearers of Christ.
What does "Volitional" mean?
Having the ability to make choices.
What is the reference for this chapters memory verse?
Genesis 1:27
Give one example of something we are dependent on God for (other than our breath).
Heart beat
To wake up
Physical health
How can we reconcile our relationship with God?
Because sin entered the world and caused brokenness in all areas of life including in our relationships?
What are the four relationships God designed us to be in?
How is mankind different than the rest of creation?
God only spoke the rest of creation into existence. But, he hand crafted humankind from the dust and breathed life into them.
What is this units memory verse?
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
List the five attributes humans have in common with God. (Clue: spiritual is one of the answers)
What are the four questions everyone asks that were introduced in this chapter?
Where did I come from?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
What are the two definitions of a family?
A man and a woman.
A husband and wife with children.
What are the three institutions God has created to nurture our sociability?