What was the name of the first man created?
What did Noah have to build?
An ark
What was the name of Abraham's wife?
What was Moses' people called?
Who did God choose to lead the Israelites from Egypt?
What book talks about God creating the Earth?
Why did Noah have to build the ark?
A flood was coming.
What did God bless Abraham and Sarah with?
A son
What did Moses' mother put him in to hide him?
A basket
How many plagues did God send on the Egyptians?
What was the punishment for Adam and Eve choosing to disobey?
They had to leave the Garden of Eden.
How many days did it rain?
40 days and 40 nights
What was the son of Abraham and Sarah's name?
Who found baby Moses in the basket?
Pharaoh's daughter
What did Moses part so the Israelites could cross into freedom?
The Red Sea
What happened with Cain and Abel?
What was the promise that God showed them?
A rainbow
How old was Sarah when she had Isaac?
90 years old
What family was Moses raised in?
Who did God send to help Moses with talking to Pharaoh?
His brother, Aaron.
What was the place called where Adam and Eve lived?
The Garden of Eden
What did God command Noah and his family to do?
Be fruitful and fill the Earth.
What did God tell Abraham to do with his son?
Sacrifice him
What did Moses do when he saw a Hebrew man treated badly?
He killed the Egyptian.
What did God give the Israelites to know how to follow Him?
The Ten Commandments