God did this on the 7th day
He rested
God asked Noah to build this
An ark
Who was born first?
Jacob gave Joseph this
A colorful robe
Moses' mother placed him in this as a baby
A basket in the Nile River
God created this on day 1
Light and darkness
God told Noah to bring this many of each animal
Esau traded his birthright for this
A bowl of stew
Sold him into slavery
God spoke to Moses through this
A burning bush
God saw this after He made things
He saw that it was good
It rained for this long
40 days and 40 nights
Jacob tricked his father into giving him this
His blessing
In Egypt, Joseph first worked for this man
Name one of the plagues
Water turns to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, disease in livestock, boils, hail and fire, locusts, darkness, death of the first born
Eve was made from Adam's ______
Noah sent a dove out and it came back with this
An olive leaf
Jacob put this on his hands and neck to disguise himself
Goat skin
In jail, Joseph interpreted these two men's dreams
The cupbearer and baker
The name of the ceremony the Israelites did when they painted the lambs blood over their doors
God told Adam and Eve to not eat from this tree
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Noah did this as soon as he came out of the ark
Built an altar
This person warned Jacob that Esau wanted to kill him
The name of Joseph's youngest brother
God led the Israelites with these
Pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night